Monday, October 29, 2007

I Got Tagged!

...and we all know how MnM is a sucker for these things...

5 Things Found In My Bag
(besides my wallet)
- phone
- lotion
- tissue
- mini-SF map (it's so handy!)
- lip stuff

5 Things Found In My Wallet
- teacher discount cards
- driver's license
- Starbucks card
- CPR/1st Aid certification cards
- bank/credit cards

5 Things Found In My Room
- laptop
- suitcases and boxes filled with clothes
- half-empty water and Powerade bottles
- pile of uncorrected papers
- Bible

5 Things I've Always Wanted To Do
- travel the world...beginning with Europe
- write a book
- learn how to play the guitar and violin
- speak fluent Tagalog
- wear a bathing my dreams!

5 Things I'm Currently Into
- admittedly so...MySpace
- getting into better shape
- peeled baby carrots...yummy!
- Ireland ;-)
- shopping for my new place

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