No Jimminys Allowed!
That's right. Jimminy. As in Cricket. And that goes for all the other big, small, miniscule, nasty bugs that have made their way into our home unwelcome.
It's because I jinxed myself.
Just the other day I was commenting to hubby that with all the heat, humidity, and millions of bugs flying around, we've been lucky that we haven't been "torn up" by them. Sure, one here and one there, but nothing major that would leave me itching uncomfortably into the night. Considering that last year, I always carried our handy dandy bug spray with us whenever we ventured out...this year, I've used it only once.
But I woke up scratching away at bug bites on my calves, thighs, arms, and near my eye. What the hell?!
It has to do with that dream, doesn't it? Shit. And so it begins...
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