Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Greetings from San Francisco!

Well, it's been a full five days that I've been back in da City and already, I've gone to the beach twice, hit the oh-so-crowded-and-newly-refurnished-trying-to-look-all-shi-shi-Serramonte, visited the old job and even taught an art lesson for some 3rd graders, had coffee and dinner with co-worker friends, eaten at Nations, El Burrito, and had some Mrs. Field's cookies (YUM!), drove up and down the Castro getting lost looking for the hospital, and been waking up at 4:30am PST every morning to go to Simbang Gabi at church. And there's still so much to do! On my list to things to do today includes going to the DMV to transfer the Honda to my name, having lunch with Ms. Penny, whom I've been playin phone tag with...I've been trying to reach her and have been leaving voicemail messages...on her OLD phone! Oops..my bad. Hopefully try to meet up with RyceGirl and roam around Pier 39, and end my day spending the night at my sister's house. Can't wait til tomorrow though...hubby flies in from MN just in time for Christmas.


Now this will be the ONLY time I will ever ever refer to myself as being spoiled. I don't care what anyone else says about being the youngest child. I never supposedly got all that I asked for- on the contrary, people. I had to work just as hard as anyone else in the 80's/my generation. Unlike my younger counterparts today, not everything is served to me on a silver platter. I was one of those kids who envied all the kids at school for having the latest toys or clothes. Yes dammit, back in the day I really wanted that Care Bear and Cabbage Patch Kid (and just for the record, that was the closest I ever got to wanting anything resembling a doll...)! I was one of those kids who always wished that I could go to all the school dances and stay out past midnight like everyone else. I was one of those kids who was always wanting something that the other kids had. Looking back, it was probably a good thing that I never got all those things. It was probably a good thing that my parents were so strict and said "no" to most of the things I asked for. I mean, don't get me wrong here. As much as I believe that it was all for my own good and yes, I do appreciate I didn't become a hoodlum (can you even imagine me like that?!) or a teenage pregnancy statistic, I DID find my ways around things. C'mon now! Do you really think I spent all that time in the library?! Lol! You know what they say about Catholic school girls? Well, sad to say, I will validate the truthfulness in that (wink, wink). I'd like to think that I am not a materialistic person. With all the "no's" my parents gave me, I had to deal with not getting the things I'd probably lose interest in anyways. See, my parents foresaw that. They've got that "palantiri", the "seeing eye" (Lord of the Rings reference, in case you didn't know). That's why I appreciate them now more than ever. At the time, I did go through the "I hate them!" and the "They never let me do anything!" and the "They just don't understand me" stages, but like I said, I respect them all the more for what they did.

But I have to say this...being back in my parents' house brings back memories of that lil' girl who had to deal with not having the cooler things others had. Back in MN with my IT of a husband, I think I am spoiled. Some things just make all the difference and I don't care if some think it to be the newest and latest fad. Just what exactly am I talking about?

I'm talking about high-speed internet, cable, DSL, and wireless connections! Dial-up is a thing of the past (or should be!) and it's killing me that it takes about FOREVER to connect! Can I just say how annoying these pop-ups are?!

See, I'm not really like this with anything else. Really. It's ugly to my ears to hear people complain like that. I do apologize. LOL! If you ask me what I miss about MN besides my hubby? I will have to admit that yes, I do miss our wireless, high-speed connection. What a brat! =)

May The Force Be With You

Like I mentioned, the malls are just way too crowded. You'd be out of your mind to even try, but with all the last minute things, it's understandable. People on a mission somehow lose all courtesy for others, it's unbelievable. If you are one of those unfortunate and procrastinating souls, may you not get bumped by angry and bustling shoppers, may no one cut you in the long ass lines that you WILL stand in, may you not have to fight for that last toy on the shelf, may your cashiers be joyful and helpful, and may all your credit cards get approved. It's going to be a crazy day and I'll be praying for all of you.

As for me, after I hit the DMV, I'm goin to chill at the beach.

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