And So It Begins...
The weather reports over here simply kill me. Their choice of words are nothing close to encouraging, fo' real. "There will be a significant snowfall tonight in the Twin Cities area." Significant? Exactly what is so significant about it? "Heavy snow will persist into the night." Persist? Basically it means that during the night and all throughout today, MN should be receiving about 6-10 inches of snow....good Lord! How 'bout just saying, "It's going to freakin' snow in all parts of MN today. There's going to be hella snow everywhere!" Aside from the unbearable cold, it IS beautiful out. 'Tis like a postcard! I didn't have the need to go romp about outside like the first snowfall we had...shoot, we know better now. I'll just enjoy it from the comfort of our nice, warm, and toasty apartment. Hibernation begins...
"And So It Begins...."
If ya'll are die-hard Lord of the Rings fans like hubby and myself, you know that this is the line uttered by King Theodan right before the battle at Helm's Deep against the Uruk-Hai. I mention this because the excitement is rising in the air about the third and last part of the trilogy coming out next Wednesday. Hubby and I already bought advance tickets to the first showing of "Return of the King" at the theater over here...two tix for $8! Whoo hoo! The trailers look dope and we believe that we will not leave the theater disappointed.
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