Friday, December 05, 2003

Friendships Come and Gone

The past few days have got me reveling to some flashbacks of back in the day. I recently found out that a friend of mine just got engaged. A "friend" of mine. Gosh, how that term would've seemed like a major understatement about 8 years ago! Back at State in '94, it was more like best friend, sista, confident, homegirl. Ya'll hear stories of friends coming in and out of your lives, and well this is a prime example. No need to go into details of how things went down in our friendship, but needless to say, it hasn't been the same ever since. I've constantly told myself over and over like a broken record that things are as they should be. Everything happens for a reason. Yet, through it all, I'll never forget the lessons I've learned about friendship from Voodoo Child and the rest of the gang and all the good times (and bad times!) we all had.

I've always kept "da girls" on my buddy list, but the whole saying 'hello' and 'what's up' were a rare occurence. That's why I was surprised when I got an IM from Ms. Voodoo herself last night. 'Course she was excited about her upcoming marriage and was in the "gotta-share-my-good-news-with-everyone" mode. Can't blame her- 'tis a huge step in one's life! We chatted for a bit- talked about the weather, her engagement, her plans, her hopes of avoiding drama, and the task of trying (or not!) to please everyone. She commented that as she thought about these very things last night, I came to mind. Yes...I am QUEEN of drama when it came to my own nuptials! Lol! Girl, just elope and go to Hawai'i! All joking aside, it was straight cool to just like we would have as if nothing has changed. I remember when all our drama went down for the wedding and I had my bridesmaids and friends around, I turned to Ms. Voodoo. At that time, we hadn't talked much or hung out at all. 'Course we conversed through AIM, but still, a part of me was comforted by her sympathy and genuine concern . Da girls ended up coming to the wedding and it was GREAT to have them there, but like I said before, things have changed. Now I'm in no way expecting to even be invited to this shindig, but I am happy for her and her man. Although it'd be awkward to refer to her as one of my best friends now, there was a time when I felt the closest to her among our lil' group. We were close like sisters. I know so much of the drama in her life and all the obstacles thrown her way, but like a dakilang pilipina that she is, she always stood tall. She deserves all the happiness and my love and congrats go to her.

Looking back, da girls were a major part of my life. They all touched my life in one way or another that I'll always remember. But as I went my separate path from theirs, I never imagined it would be like this. The anger and bitterness has now faded and as much as I'd hate to admit, it's only sadness I feel when I think back to how we all were inseparable. But life goes on. Friends come in and out of our lives, but not without leaving a footprint.

California Dreamin'

Perhaps it's because I miss San Francisco, my family and my friends that have me in this melancholy state of being. Hubby and I are thankful for the many people we've met here in Minnesota, but it really isn't the same. I'm looking forward to going back to da City for the holidays. I can't wait to drive my Honda, see my mom and pops, my sister and family, friends and co-workers, and most especially the beach! If I could, I'm going everyday I'm back! As much as hubby and I are "enjoying/surviving" our white Christmas over here, we're both feening for good ole' California to welcome us home for a bit. It'll definitely be nice to get away from MN's cold, see more Pilipinos, eat Hawaiian food, drink Alhambra water, have homecooked meals that I haven't mastered yet, see rolling hills, real beaches... I want to take a drive to downtown San Francisco, see the skyline and all the lights and decorations. I'd even like to go to Justin Herman Plaza to go iceskating 'cuz there's no way in hell that you'd get me on a frozen lake over here! Basically, I'd just like to immerse ourselves in whatever we can to hold us over until our next visit. Gosh, and to think we've only been gone since September...

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