Monday, September 03, 2007

Notable Moments

*Had coffee with lil' bro Phil the other night. Turns out that after 14 years in the Bay Area, him and his better half are heading down south! Kinda funny...we met up at the Starbucks on Gellert. It being a school night, I thought, ok, just stay until closing at 10pm. Hey...since when did that Starbucks become a 24-hour one?! Lol! I swear, if I didn't check the time, we could've talked all night!

We were reminiscing about our college days, talking story about who's with who and who's doing what nowadays, and man, I had to think back to when I first met Phil. It was at the PACE office (no surprise there!) and through the Ate/Kuya Program that year, I got paired up with Phil and Nickyboy. Since then, I've taken the Ate-role pretty seriously...always checking up on how he's doing and just being there for him when he needed someone.

And so now, he's leaving...I'm SAD! Even though we currently live about 15 minutes away, we hardly get-together. I have to say we've been pretty good, though, 'cuz we've actually done coffee a number of times. But hey, we're all busy and it's totally understandable. But now that he's leaving the Bay, just knowing that we can't meet up for Starbucks like before bums me out. Boo!

Change is good, I've always said...and this move for hims IS a good thing. Of course before he leaves, he's gotta go out in style and so, I think a farewell party is in the works!

Now this is where I get a tad teary eyed. It's a known good that my life's belongings in Minnesota are there to stay. No need to get into that. But Phil surprised me with a blast-from-the-past momentos that blew me away! Considering that he is a dude, I don't expect guys to normally be packrats...

He gave me this folder...and inside were a whole bunch of PCN programs and flyers from our PACE days! There was even our FilGrad program, the PCN where I was Cultural Coordinator, AND a Thank You insert that I wrote especially for my friends. Things like this, I never thought I'd see again. Man oh about memories!

THANK YOU really made my night! (haha, the tears came later...) Thanks to you, I now have a little piece of our PACE days as a keepsake. I'll miss you when you go, but hey, you're really not that far away. You'll always be my little bro...know that I'm here for you always. Love and hugs!

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