Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Just Another Day to Everyone Else

Why are holidays so difficult to swallow?
Why is it so hard to cope? When days like today approaches,
Thoughts of you consume my mind.

I wonder where you are and where life has taken you.
I wonder if you are okay.
I wonder how you have moved on and
I wonder if you ever think of me
Like I do you.

I looked at your picture last night and
Memories came rushing back, more painful than I anticipated.
I studied your face-
The way your eyes crinkle or pop wide open
And how your lips bunch up in that signature way of yours...
and I longed to see you face-to-face.

What we had almost doesn't seem real, does it?

Eight years past and our D is final.
I'm free...are you?
I wonder how you are and I hope that you're okay.

The anger and the bitterness is slowly dissipating...
I just wanted you to know, but the sadness of what could've been remains.
I move on in my own way, but admittedly so,
My heart is not ready to love deeply again...
Will I ever again? I don't know.

It would've been our 2-year anniversary, but it will be a day that will go unnoticed by everyone, but me.
In my heart of hearts, I wished that day was the answer to our problems,
But in the end, I had to let you go...and I had to let us go.

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