Quick Note from MnM
Hi all...been enjoying my break from the lil' kiddies...and seeing that it was my Placenta Day (I know, sounds gross, but I just heard the term recently), I have been meeting up with friends, having dinner & coffee, and catching up. 'Tis been the one of the best birthdays, especially for someone who really wanted to keep this one low-key...you people. LOL! Thanks to all for coming out and helping me celebrate (all week!). Pics to come later...
Power of the Cross
I don't know why people call is "Good Friday" when it was the day that Jesus was sentenced to death. As wonderful as it has been to meet up with friends, I have not forgotten what this week symbolizes in the Christian faith. If you've never seen Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, I totally recommend it...even if you're not a church goer or don't even believe in God. When I was younger, I've always known the story- Jesus was born to a virgin, grew up, performed countless miracles, lived and loved like no other, paid the ultimate price by dying on the cross and rising from the dead to save US from sin. The stories were always there from the beginning. But when I saw it portrayed on the big screen, albeit it is still someone's interpretation of what might've happened, it resonated with me in so many ways. To see Jesus's pain and suffering was honestly too much to bear and I remember sobbing (not crying...) in the theaters along with all the other patrons. I watched it on Holy Saturday the year it came out...talk about powerful stuff.
In any case, it didn't seem right to post about my birthday get-togethers today, so instead, I bring you a video from HappySlip. I've posted a video of this talented Pinay from New York before, but she continues to amaze me. Below is an original song that she composed...she writes, she sings, she plays...dang girlfriend, is there anything creative you canNOT do??? I've also attached the lyrics down below.
Happy Easter everyone- love and prayers to you all....
Your Love
by Christine
When I try to look elsewhere or in others
I lose myself
For my life is nothing without you
My Creator
You give me meaning
You give me purpose
I find my destiny in you oh God
How wide
How long
How high and how deep
Is your love oh Lord
Unless the Lord builds this house
I will build in vain
I will sink in the sand
But I choose to stand on you
The Rock of my Salvation
You give me meaning
You give me purpose
I find my destiny in you oh God
For when I fall
When I fail
You pick me up
And Hold me in your arms
Oh Lord my God
Reedemer and my Friend
You’re the Alpha, Omega
The Great I am
And I give my all to you
How wide
How long
How high and how deep
Is your love oh Lord
I die to myself
So that you might live in me oh Lord
All the days of my life
Shine through me
Oh God of who I am
Oh God of who I am
Mini Shout-out
**BFF...Happy 32nd Birthday, girlfriend!**
Loooooved the song!! Really touching and I'm so glad that you had a wonderful birthday Myra!!Let's wine and dine soon!!!!!!
oh and i forgot to mention...loooved your bday gift too!! God's best is yet to come!! ~ xoxo, monkeyballz
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