Monday, April 16, 2007


So many people are asking how I spent my 33rd birthday...that's right, 33rd! Damn proud and ain't ashamed to say it...unlike a particular Pinay I know who tends to fib on things like age and race. I'm sorry, girlfriend, you are Pinay through and through and all of the Japanese lessons on language and culture will never change the blood that flows through your veins...even if you did get some work done on your face. And girlfriend, just for the record, don't bother sending me a message via Friendster to "wish me well" because while you were in your I'm-too-successful-to-have-coffee-with-you stage, I wrote you off a long time ago.

Whew! A bit of a rant bad! Moving on...

Oakland Zoo

As I might've mentioned earlier, I wanted to keep the birthday low-key, but my family wasn't having any of that. I spent the day at the Oakland Zoo- a first for me! Not quite sure what these Giant Tortoises were up of 'em seemed intent on trying to climb the wall. It was freaky to watch after a bit because all you could see was its rubbery neck contort here and there. The one behind it? Shoot...I don't know either. It was like a follow the leader thing...

The lil' arses up in the air were too cute to pass up on!

Most Unforgettable Moment: Joining the crowds of people to see the Aslan, we heard a little kid's voice break out into song- " the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight...."

Theme of the day: As the kiddies oooohed and ahhhhhed, BruthaMan and I were dumbstruck by the fact that many of the fences or gates to many animal exhibits were low. Low, as in, what is stopping that animal from jumping over?! " know, if I was *insert animal here*, I'd take a running start from the back over there and jump over the enclosure and escape." This was said in reference to the lion, the African elephants, the giraffes, the was bad enough that there was a monkey hanging from the trees above us...ABOVE US! Lord knows what I would've done if that monkey decided to drop down among the crowds below him!

Coolest part of the zoo: there's a tram that takes you high above the zoo grounds to get a different perspective. Think Disneyland, back in the da day, type of tram. Aside from being up there, the freakiest part was when we were directly above the lion's den. Okay, so there were nets above the lions' heads, but really, say someone were to fall on top of the nets, what is going to stop Simba and friends from tearing you to pieces? A little net? I think not!

Freakiest part of the zoo: I will not count the Insect Zoo because, well, it's a given that I don't do well around creepy crawlies. I have to say that I was intrigued by the bat enclosure for a bit...until I saw how huge they were up close! Seeing them hang there wasn't too bad...but once they started moving around with that funky grip of theirs, of course all upside down, was too much for me. Bats will always make me think of Ace Ventura's "bat guano", but evenso, those creatures are definitely not ones to cuddle up with late at night.

Overall, the day was a nice treat. It was fun to do something, even if I originally didn't want to. I got to go out, get some exercise ('cuz it was a lot of walking...uphill, no less!)and hang out with the fam. Thanks BruthaMan, Bina, and Nico for taking me!

Birthday Eats

In a week's time, I think I've seriously gained some weight. As loved as I felt to have spent time with friends and family, whom I haven't seen in a while, I think it's time to start walking again!

Leave it to my Foodie Friends to bring me to restaurants I've never been! I met Mrs. Voodoo in Potrero Hill area, ate at a Chinese place called Eliza's, and afterwards, browsed a small local bookstore. A few days later, I headed with Mrs. Weekender to Noe Valley and dined at Lupa.

Forgot the name of this appetizer, but wrapped inside this thin layer of meat is a sweet, juicy pear dabbed with goat cheese. It was a very interesting dish that made for a unique and surprising taste. The texture of the combined elements- sweet fruit and meat- had me eating slowly, but again, it was surprisingly pretty good. Not too sure if I'd get it again, but glad to have tried it nonetheless.

It's inevitable that I must have my filipino food- mainly, TOCILOG at Ling Nam's. I finally got to hang out with buds, J and Rho- this is only after talking about it since my return to CA in 2005. Egads we suck! Nevertheless, we got to hang out for dinner after I attended a fundraiser for the Asian American Studies department of my former alma mater. Being back at SF State is always a stroll down memory lane, but to be among the young college crowd made me feel old. The evening featured a performance by the Grand Avenue Follies (go read up on it on J's blog). Thanks you two...and J, it's about freakin' time you were outta there! (j/ know i'm proud of you!)

Firemarshall J and my twin, RhoRho

Met up with lil' bro for some Japanese at Kamameshi's in South San Francisco. Even though it's Japanese, it's run by practically all Filipino. Also, it never fails, you are bound to run into someone you know there- can't get away from it!

Lastly, got some good Italian grub at Old Spaghetti Factory in San Jose with BFF and hubby. You can't go wrong with pasta! Since it was a weekday, the restaurant wasn't crowded at all, which got me wondering why, when we ordered dessert, that it took 5 people to bring three dishes of ice cream. Well wouldn't you know it, BFF went behind my back and told them it was my bday! Talk about embarrassing! Not only did the wait staff not sing that well, but hell, I've never been good at this whole attention thing. Egads....but to BFF and hubby, thanks for dinner! (and Sha, I will never let you live down the Giants game incident....)

'Twas a great week of celebrations, get-togethers, lil' surprises, lots of laughter, lots of stories, and whatnot. It was awesome to catch up with friends whom I haven't seen for days. Thanks to all who came out despite your busy schedules- it means a lot. Let's do it again soon!

Got a couple more stories to tell, but I'll save it for later...
Love and peace ya'll...

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