Under The Weather
I have not been feeling well at all since Sunday. I'm thinking that I might've caught something after the Breast Cancer walk last Saturday. I've been coughing nonstop and could feel all this phlegm deep inside my chest. It sucks 'cuz I'm one of those people who cannot, for the life of me, cough it up. I just end up gagging with tears in my eyes.
I've been so tempted to call in sick to work, but there's so much happening that I can't afford to miss anything. It's terrible, really, because it's not my intention to get any of my students sick. Oh and I just hate it when lil' kids get sick. They're so quiet, so lethargic, and it makes you wonder WHY on earth did their parents allow them to come to school in the first place. I think our field trip that we had this past Monday to the pumpkin patch didn't help matters. It was a drizzly day, overcast, not overly cold, but just not great weather to be outdoors. The field trip itself was perfect. Our MUNI trip was hassle-free going to and from, the parents who volunteered were great, and my kids were, surprisingly, on their best behavior. Maybe the fact that some kids were left behind got them thinking twice about playing around. That's right. I left some kids behind. Didn't let them go. Had to leave them in another class. Hey, if ya'll don't bring the money and the permission slip on the due date, you gotta face the consequences. In any case, it just so happened that the ones left behind are the same kids that cause all the trouble...so less hassle for me!
Still...I've been feeling lethargic myself. No energy to correct papers. And yes, the pile is getting bigger as we speak. I was dyin' the other day when my Dayquil ran out. I think what I'd rather have is Nyquil so I could just knock da f out.
I'm hoping whatever I have clears up by next week. Parent-teacher conferences are next week...joy. Meeting with parents should be "interesting" and hopefully, things go smoothly.
Titanic: Collector's Edition
Was anyone else EXCITED that the collector's edition of Titanic was released this week?! Anyone? Anyone? You mean, the fact that there are three hours of bonus material, behind the scenes shots, and tons of deleted scenes wasn't enough for you to rush out and buy this dvd?! C'mon...it even has an alternate ending! Okay, okay...so I'm the only nerd in my circle of friends whose sole purpose of going to Target was to put my hands on that dvd! I spent all Tuesday evening going through all three discs to watch as many of the bonus material as possible. Without ruining it for anyone, although I have a funny feeling that I really wouldn't be, the deleted scenes alone had me bustin' out the tissue! There are some really good scenes that, in my opinion, should've been in the original cut. Anyways, for the cherry on top, I was browsing the book section and saw a new book by Nicholas Sparks called "At First Sight." Score!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Breast Cancer Walk
Today in Golden Gate Park, the American Cancer Society held its annual walk for breast cancer. I have always wanted to take part in a walk for cancer, but today was my first time. Homegirl Sharon with sidekick Sammy the dog and I headed to GGP...only to get lost. Dude...just because I've lived in the city my entire life does NOT mean that I know my way around! Yes, yes, it's like I'm a tourist in my own city. Sad, but true. Anyways, after some really lucky guesses, we found ourselves in the right place. Plus, all the people in pink walking by was a big clue. Parking was a bitch, but we finally found a spot around the Mile 4 marker. Basically, we had to walk a mile just to hit the registration tables! 'Twas all good though. A mile later, we were greeted by cheers of congratulations that we finally made it to the end, er, the beginning. We proceeded to get some free snacks and drink...found a fellow coworker who'd be joining us on our walk...took some pics...wandered around the different booths...bought a T-shirt...and finally got started.
The walk was five miles. 'Twas a pleasant day, even though it was overcast and foggy. I'm actually glad that it wasn't hot...I don't think I would've enjoyed a five mile trek in hot sweltering heat...as if da city often has those kinds of days.
In any case, it was a great day for a walk and to hang out Sharon (and Sammy the dog!). Not to mention, it was all for a great cause! Lots of people were on my mind today as I did the walk. Seeing all the stickers that said, "In Memory Of" or "For My Mom" got me all choked up. It's just a major wakeup call that this disease is so prevalent and that no one is immune to it. I'm not saying that I've been naive to think that I would never get it or that no one I knew would ever get it, but just seeing the sheer numbers today was a major visual.
We finished in about an hour and a half. I honestly think we could've finished sooner, but when there's a four-legged canine sniffing everything in sight and wanting to stake its territory every so feet, well, it's going to take a while. Sometimes you gotta let the dog do what it's gotta do!
Anyways...here's a couple of pics from today!
After our teacher in-service this past Friday, two of my fellow 3rd grade teachers and I headed out for some Japanese grub. We were originally supposed to go to Crazy Sushi in Noe Valley (which btw, JUST opened a few months ago AND is run by the significant other of one of the teachers at school!), but considering that it was a Friday and that we were carpooling in a minivan, we thought parking would be a problem. I suggested the hole in the wall Japanese joint that hubby and I used to frequent...often. Plus, I haven't gone there in so long, I was feening!
There was a long line, to be expected on a Friday evening, but man, the wait was well worth it. I ordered my usual, chicken teriyaki with tempura, and boy, did it hit the spot or what?
Hanging out with these teachers was very cool. Anytime that we could hang out outside of the school is always different. You only tend to see your coworkers in a certain mode. Teacher-mode, for some, is quite opposite from their non-teacher-mode. This was no different. We had our laughs, we had our jokes, but as much as we tried to avoid it, school always came up! It's inevitable. Aiya.
In any case, Akagi's was yum. We tried to head to the new Tanforan Mall and check out the new Barnes and Nobles...plus, it's Teacher Appreciation Week and we get a 25% discount. Dope. But we got there a little past 9pm and security wasn't letting people in. Suckers. Oh well...it looks nice from the outside for sure! Maybe I'll head over there tomorrow and walk around.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Whirlwind Weekend
As much as I was looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday, I was up and ready to leave the house before 9am. A fellow 3rd grade teacher was tying the knot that day and I had been recruited to help decorate the church that morning. The ceremony was in Redwood City and just my luck, I got lost. Ain't my fault. I followed the directions from their wedding website, but it didn't get me there. Thankfully, another friend's hubby just so happened to have bought one of those navigational gadgets for their car. Once I pulled over and they knew my position, they were able to get me to the church safely. Ha. I'm such a loser.
The ceremony itself was beautiful. The music. The dresses. The message. Love and forgiveness...two components necessary in a marriage. The parents of both the bride and groom lost it and were bawling. In fact, as the bride was being walked down the aisle, the dad was already having a hard time keeping it together. Bust out the tissues, let me tell you! After the ceremony, the program called for a "light reception."
Light reception, my ass.
A light reception does NOT consist of a live Hawaiian band, courtyard filled with tents that house different types of carnival-esque foods to munch on like churros, slushies, cotton candy, fruits, chicken, and other goodies. I knew that there would be a candy station- jars filled with the bride's favorite candies and just like the mall, you could scoop out whichever ones you wanted into a lil' baggie, or in this case, a lil' pink chinese take-out box. Too cute. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's definitely a wedding of her dreams and a wedding to remember, but light reception? Pshhhhhh.....please.
Since this teacher happens to be a member of the adjoining church, other teachers, parents, and students alike were all up in there...I mean, dang, I see these people all week and now I gotta see them on a Saturday, too?! Lol! Jokes aside, it was very nice. She happens to also work with the middle school fellowship and so a grip of them were there to help serve food. The cool thing was many of these middle school kids were many of my former students! They're all grown up now...girls with chests, wearing short skirts and looking semi-hootchified....boys all taller with deeper voices. It was neat to see how old these kids have gotten and yet, how they have stayed the same!
The weather also turned out simply beautiful. What started with a foggy and overcast morning transformed into a sunny, no wind perfect day. Talk about a major blessing!
Anyways, it was great to hang out with some people outside of the school environment and though I did not attend the banquet due to some unforeseen circumstances, it was a beautiful day for a beautiful wedding and well worth missing sleeping in a few more hours.
Plate Lunched-Out
Finally ate at Hukilau's in Palo Alto today! An old family friend was having the reception for her baby's baptism there today and what a great excuse to tag along with my parents? Not only was I able to see the this family ('cuz it's been YEARS!), but I was able to get my grub on some ono grinds! Now ya'll know that MnM and Doh love us some Hawaiian plate lunches, but I gotta tell you. Ever since I've been back, I've had nothing BUT! Maybe it's because I'm on this quest for the best mac salad. But honestly, especially after today, I am totally plate lunched-out. I don't think I could even think about going to eat Hawaiian for a while now. I'm done. Over it. Just for a while. Plus, since it was so hot in Palo Alto today, I took advantage of the free tropical juices, mainly pineapple. Ang sarap ng sarap! Talk about totally refreshing! It got to the point that after one glass too many, my throat took a beating...too acidic, I think. Man...I can't win! Lol!
One major plus for the plate lunch experience was hanging out with my folks. Yes, I am currently staying at my parent's house and yes, I do see them every day, but I have NOT really hung out with them in a while. And it was nice today. The ride to and from was filled with pleasant conversations, mainly stories (new & old) care of my dad. I learned a lot of new things about my parents, as always when he gets into storytelling mode, and it made the car ride too short. I'm glad that I drove them out there and I'm thankful for the time that was spent today.
Mill Valley Film Festival
My aunt called to see if I was interested in going to Mill Valley for the Film Festival out there. Seeing that I've always wanted to go to any kind of film festival AND seeing that there might be a possibility of seeing my her as an extra in this film, I was good to go.
The movie that we watched was "Bee Season" with Richard Gere and Juliette Binoche. Gere's character is a teacher at UC Berkeley and they get a good shot of the Capanile Tower. They have aerial views of the Bay and I have to say, I always get all giddy when movies are set in the city. There's always that excitement of seeing a place that I've actually been to that gets me hyped and possibly even the fact that I'm one of those easily starstruck people that just because a celebrity has been there for movie filming purposes, I get that proud feeling that yes, it's in MY city.
Anyways, before the movie started, the directors were there to give an intro to the movie. I was in awe of the movie directors...sure I don't even know them or their work, but wow, they're introducing a film that THEY directed. I'm easily impressed as you can tell. At the end of the film, they came back again for a short Q&A. Very cool...not only for us, but for them as well because of all the cool feedback they received. While I was a bit confused in some parts of the storyline, the Q&A was able to clarify the points that I missed. In any case, while I may not be sure if this is the usual program for a film festival movie, it was still a cool experience for me nonetheless.
Mill Valley itself is a nice lil' community. Looks so safe. Lots of cool shops and cafes. Very shi-shi...but cool to hang out in. The weather today was awesome...not a cloud in the sky! After the movie, we decided to head out to Sausalito to find somewhere to eat. We were originally thinking we'd eat at Houlihan's, but ended up at a place called Horizons. DE-LISH! I may not be a food critic like The Weekender or Mrs. Voodoo, but I totally recommend this joint! For starters, we had the crabcakes and for dinner, we had fish & chips. The fish just tasted so tender and fresh and wow, can I just talk about the view for a sec? We were seated out on the deck and had a front seat view of the city of San Francisco. No fog...just an unbelievably clear evening with the full moon reflecting on the water's surface. The city skyline was lit up and it's as if we could see every light of the city from where we were. Plus, it' as if the view made our meal so much better...not that the meal needed any help. On the real though, this has got to be one of the first times that I have hung out with my auntie like this. I mean, yah we've had lunch at the mall or at parties, but never out-out like this. It was nice and I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime.
*Thanks T.Baybes for the movie (even though it was mucho expensive!)and for the yummy dinner- it was fun!*
Thursday, October 13, 2005
What A Weekend!
The last I wrote, I was just happy, um, semi-happy, that the field trip was over. Thankfully my prayers were answered and no lil' 3rd graders were lost. Score! Had a great reunion with the Hustler crew and was on my way back to the Twin Cities with hubby for the weekend.
Hubby and I had a bunch of things planned, but wouldn't you know it, he had to get sick! And when I say sick, I mean, 100 degree temperature, lethargic, and not keeping anything down. Ew, I know. Hubby felt bad because it was like we wasted a day. Him sick in bed and me..haha..doing a month's load of laundry! Just kidding! No, while he was out of temporarily out of commission, I took the time to correct papers, clean up, and just enjoy the house. 'Cuz damn, I really miss my house! Anyways, as mentioned, hubby was already bummed that we weren't able to hit up the things on our list...plus, I was scheduled to return back to CA on Tuesday. Boo. Well, turns out that he felt better the next day and we got to watch "Just Like Heaven." What a cute movie! It was just enough corny and just enough romantic to hold me over..considering that it's been a while since we've been to a movie!
"Just Like Heaven." Almost, but not really, like "Ghost." Had a different twist to it. Plus, Mark Ruffalo is in it. Not the typical leading man that you'd expect to "fall in love with." He's not Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise, but he's just as lovable and endearing. He's kinda like Jimmy Fallon's teacher character in "Fever Pitch." Also, I think the Mark Ruffalo thang started in "13 Going on 30." Sweet.
Anyways, I really wanted to see "Just Like Heaven" not only because it's one of those typically corny romantic flicks that'll make me cry, (typical MnM), but also because it's set in da city by da Bay! And hey, if I wasn't representin' my hometown before, it's moreso since I moved to da Twin Cities, so it's clear that I just HAD to see it! Oh, and I have to mention this, but one of my aunties happens to be a regular extra on movies filmed in San Francisco and yes, she is in this one! Of course I didn't know it at the time, but she did tell me exactly where she was...so now, I have to see it AGAIN to check her out. Y'know...even though it was the back of her head...or her side view....STILL!
So yes..."Just Like Heaven." If you're anything like me, you'll dig this movie.
Okay...so hubby gets better, we watch a movie, do some shopping at the new stores that just opened near our house, bought some really cute shoes from DSW, and lo and behold, guess who decides to get sick?! Freaking me! And on the day that I'm supposed to fly back to CA....great.
Now, while I wish I could say that I was playing hooky and stayed an extra day to enjoy MN, but that wasn't the case. In fact, I was too sick to even move, let alone get myself on a plane. We decided to move my flight for the next day, I called in sick to work, and then made a date with the bed until the following day. I had a 100 degree temperature, felt nauseous like you wouldn't believe, got the chills, felt lethargic, felt achy, and just couldn't hang for the life of me. It was so sad. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Yuck.
I don't wake up until the following afternoon....say, like a couple of hours before I have to hit the airport. I get back to S.F. late last night, crash as soon as I get in, and struggled to make it to work today.
As much as many people might think, teachers really HATE to miss a day of work. It totally screws up the schedule of what you want to do with the class and as bad as this sounds, you could never really depend on substitutes to get anything done. Sucks. Oh, and let's not forget to mention how the kids in your class will somehow forget ALL of the rules you've spent so long ingraining into their heads and lose all sense of control of what to do and what not to do when their teacher happens to call in sick. Yah..that goes along with that lil' victory dance they do, too. Perhaps that's some kind of cool validation that hey, at least when I'm with them, they know what to do....or maybe not. And I have to say, in the years that I have taught, I have never had a class SO TALKATIVE! Anyways...I was NOT looking forward to what other teachers had to say about my class...and hey, I was right. No points given...at all. Bad. Bad. Bad. Lol.
Well, with what energy that I did NOT have today, I basically told them that yes, I heard about all of their rule breakings for the past few days, but that I would give them another chance to basically redeem themselves. I told them that I wasn't feeling well, and yes, the kids actually gave me a decent day today. While today is Thursday, it did feel like a Monday because I haven't seen them in so long. Let's just say that thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.
Is anyone watching it right now? Am I the only one disturbed here that young Superman just got shot and supposedly died? Yes, I know it's not happening because then, hello, there would be no series or no movies, but still...
And can I just say that Smallville is THE BEST series ever and that if you don't watch it, then something is terribly wrong with you?
If having The Flash wasn't good enough for ya'll...look out for AquaMan next week....I can't wait!
The last I wrote, I was just happy, um, semi-happy, that the field trip was over. Thankfully my prayers were answered and no lil' 3rd graders were lost. Score! Had a great reunion with the Hustler crew and was on my way back to the Twin Cities with hubby for the weekend.
Hubby and I had a bunch of things planned, but wouldn't you know it, he had to get sick! And when I say sick, I mean, 100 degree temperature, lethargic, and not keeping anything down. Ew, I know. Hubby felt bad because it was like we wasted a day. Him sick in bed and me..haha..doing a month's load of laundry! Just kidding! No, while he was out of temporarily out of commission, I took the time to correct papers, clean up, and just enjoy the house. 'Cuz damn, I really miss my house! Anyways, as mentioned, hubby was already bummed that we weren't able to hit up the things on our list...plus, I was scheduled to return back to CA on Tuesday. Boo. Well, turns out that he felt better the next day and we got to watch "Just Like Heaven." What a cute movie! It was just enough corny and just enough romantic to hold me over..considering that it's been a while since we've been to a movie!
"Just Like Heaven." Almost, but not really, like "Ghost." Had a different twist to it. Plus, Mark Ruffalo is in it. Not the typical leading man that you'd expect to "fall in love with." He's not Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise, but he's just as lovable and endearing. He's kinda like Jimmy Fallon's teacher character in "Fever Pitch." Also, I think the Mark Ruffalo thang started in "13 Going on 30." Sweet.
Anyways, I really wanted to see "Just Like Heaven" not only because it's one of those typically corny romantic flicks that'll make me cry, (typical MnM), but also because it's set in da city by da Bay! And hey, if I wasn't representin' my hometown before, it's moreso since I moved to da Twin Cities, so it's clear that I just HAD to see it! Oh, and I have to mention this, but one of my aunties happens to be a regular extra on movies filmed in San Francisco and yes, she is in this one! Of course I didn't know it at the time, but she did tell me exactly where she was...so now, I have to see it AGAIN to check her out. Y'know...even though it was the back of her head...or her side view....STILL!
So yes..."Just Like Heaven." If you're anything like me, you'll dig this movie.
Okay...so hubby gets better, we watch a movie, do some shopping at the new stores that just opened near our house, bought some really cute shoes from DSW, and lo and behold, guess who decides to get sick?! Freaking me! And on the day that I'm supposed to fly back to CA....great.
Now, while I wish I could say that I was playing hooky and stayed an extra day to enjoy MN, but that wasn't the case. In fact, I was too sick to even move, let alone get myself on a plane. We decided to move my flight for the next day, I called in sick to work, and then made a date with the bed until the following day. I had a 100 degree temperature, felt nauseous like you wouldn't believe, got the chills, felt lethargic, felt achy, and just couldn't hang for the life of me. It was so sad. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Yuck.
I don't wake up until the following afternoon....say, like a couple of hours before I have to hit the airport. I get back to S.F. late last night, crash as soon as I get in, and struggled to make it to work today.
As much as many people might think, teachers really HATE to miss a day of work. It totally screws up the schedule of what you want to do with the class and as bad as this sounds, you could never really depend on substitutes to get anything done. Sucks. Oh, and let's not forget to mention how the kids in your class will somehow forget ALL of the rules you've spent so long ingraining into their heads and lose all sense of control of what to do and what not to do when their teacher happens to call in sick. Yah..that goes along with that lil' victory dance they do, too. Perhaps that's some kind of cool validation that hey, at least when I'm with them, they know what to do....or maybe not. And I have to say, in the years that I have taught, I have never had a class SO TALKATIVE! Anyways...I was NOT looking forward to what other teachers had to say about my class...and hey, I was right. No points given...at all. Bad. Bad. Bad. Lol.
Well, with what energy that I did NOT have today, I basically told them that yes, I heard about all of their rule breakings for the past few days, but that I would give them another chance to basically redeem themselves. I told them that I wasn't feeling well, and yes, the kids actually gave me a decent day today. While today is Thursday, it did feel like a Monday because I haven't seen them in so long. Let's just say that thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.
Is anyone watching it right now? Am I the only one disturbed here that young Superman just got shot and supposedly died? Yes, I know it's not happening because then, hello, there would be no series or no movies, but still...
And can I just say that Smallville is THE BEST series ever and that if you don't watch it, then something is terribly wrong with you?
If having The Flash wasn't good enough for ya'll...look out for AquaMan next week....I can't wait!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Our First Field Trip
Field trips. As a teacher, you either love 'em or you hate 'em. I definitely love 'em...although that goes without mentioning all the anxiety that comes with it. I love them because getting out of the classroom and school environment really gets the kids' attention and give them the opportunity to experience things on a whole different level. There's only so much you can do in a classroom and there's only so much you can do with a textbook. To actually have that hands-on experience not only makes learning fun, but it definitely makes it worth remembering.
I took my class to the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. We are currently studying plants in Science, so this was very appropos...oh, and also, I just happen to be the lucky winner of the school lottery in which one class from the school gets to go. In all honesty, I was very hesitant to bring my class on any kind of field trip so early into the school year. With this exceptionally talkative class, I was worried that the excitement of the field trip itself would be enough to make some of these kids lose control. Plus, I was used to traveling with at least another 3rd grade class and this would be my first time going solo. The anxiety of using public transportation is also just another major headache that I'd rather not deal with either...because IF the school had its own bus OR IF the school allowed parents to drive kids to and from field trips, our lives would be so much easier. But that's another story altogether. So put all of that together and if you can imagine, it made for a very nervous me on Friday morning. By the way, my morning prayer sounded a little like this: Dear God, please don't let me lose one of my students today. Amen.
Going there, MUNI was not a problem at all. We were able to get on the first bus that came our way...usually, bus drivers would pass up class field trips simply because they don't want to deal with a whole bunch of kids. The kids were okay. I wasn't 100% happy with how they behaved...we have ONE major rule when travelling on the bus and that is to be absolutely quiet. No talking. None. Not allowed. Some might say that's impossible to enforce and in general, just plain mean. But I tell you, when travelling with 25+ 3rd graders on public transportation, fellow passengers and most importantly, the bus drivers all appreciate quiet and well behaved children. I have never really had a problem with my past classes...they were quiet and with one look, they would think twice about opening their mouth to talk. We even practice the day before...yes, practice! We practice standing and holding onto a moving bus....I walk through their lines complete with bumping into them, pushing them, and being rude...y'know, just like how they might experience a real MUNI bus ride. For some of them, this is their first time on a bus. And the #1 reason for their rule of no talking is that they will not distract the bus driver. In years past, I have had many compliments from bus drivers on how well behaved my kids were. And for 3rd graders, this is definitely a big thing.
But oh, can I just skip right down to our bus ride home? We caught the 44 O'Shaughnessy outside the park and lucky for us, it wasn't even crowded. As instructed, I took my class straight to the back of the bus. From the moment we got on the bus, I swear, we all held on for dear life! For a trip that usually takes about 30 minutes to and from the park, our bus ride took half the time! Maybe this bus driver thought it'd be fun to have kids flying out of their seats...and if we were on a bus with a bomb underneath it that would detonate if it went less than 55mph, then I would've understood, but damn bus driver lady! For those of you who are not familiar with the 44 O'Shaughnessy route, it's a very curvy and twisting road. Now remember when you were little and whenever your dad would make a right or left hand turn, you'd do the whole leaning into the turn and squish anyone who was next to you complete with the Ahhhhhh scream? Well, imagine that on a bus, with 26 lil' 3rd graders, whose tiny hands could NOT get a grip on the handle bars and who were literally, LITERALLY, flying out of their seats! At first, I was busy trying to quiet them down, but after a minute of semi-chaotic-ness, I was just focused on grabbling kids left and right and telling them to hold on! It was mad crazy! It was so bad, I honestly think that I got whiplash! Can I just share how happy I was when our stop finally came?! I had the kids thank the bus driver and crazy lady has the balls to say, "Oh, your class was so quiet I almost forgot you were on the bus!" Kiss my ass, lady! Y'know...there's always a reason to detest taking MUNI..
Anyways, the field trip itself was very interesting. We had to split up into groups and of course, my group consisted of the kids that NEED to have me watching them. The theme of the trip was Plant Travelers...basically, how plants travel, germinate, and grow in different climates and conditions. Our docents were very good with the kids and did a great job at keeping them engaged and focused. One of them was a former teacher and kept telling me how cute my students were...I couldn't help thinking, "Is it because they're lil' Asian kids?" Is it me or do most puti people think Asian kids are adorable? And isn't that why when they choose to adopt, they do to China or Korea? Hmmm...sorry...tangent. Anyways, I didn't realize just how huge the Botanical Gardens was...we didn't even cover half of it! If my kids weren't paying attention in class when we studied seeds, then I hope it stuck in their heads this time around because the docents repeatedly mentioned the terms I covered. It was cool to see some students sharing what they knew and remembered from class..YES, they got it! I was given a folder at the beginning of our tour and the docents cut samples for me to take back to the classroom. Plants and seeds just seem more fascinating after a field trip like this because again, it provides that opportunity to learn on a whole different level. I believe these kids will never look at a leaf the same anymore after Friday.
Since hubby was in town for a few days, we decided to have dinner with the Hustler crew. We haven't seen them for days and thankfully, mostly everyone was available for Friday night dinner. L&B suggested Ihaw-Ihaw in San Bruno. Can I just say YUM?! If ya'll haven't gone, you have to go! Order up some pork adobo, the beef steak, and the sinigang...you will not be disappointed. Anyways, we were excited to see everyone, especially B because, well, she's about to give birth any day now! Plus, she is the first in the group to get pregnant...I remember we even had a pool goin' to see who would be the first to get preggie. I had one vote that it'd be me, but it all pointed to L&B. And whaddaya know! After dinner, we all headed to Starbucks for coffee for a bit before da Lapids dropped us off at the airport. It was so great to see everyone, sans the Leynes, and it made us realize just how much we miss having our group of friends like them close by. When we all met, none of us were married. One by one, we got engaged and tied the knot...one by one, we went from an apartment, to a condo, to a single family home. And now, one of us is going to be parents any day now!
Times like these makes me miss being in CA. It's tough to miss out on the dinners, the birthdays, the movie nights, and the plain just hanging out. Maybe it'd be a different story if hubby and I had a similar group of friends out here in MN. Unfortunately we don't. But then again, it's because we don't that makes the coming home a little bit sweeter.
So to the Hustler crew: the Potencions, Opianas, and da Lapids, thanks for coming out for food and coffee. 'Twas great food, great company, and loads of laughs. Good times ya'll...good times. We miss you guys like crazy and look forward to our next get-together. Much love!
Field trips. As a teacher, you either love 'em or you hate 'em. I definitely love 'em...although that goes without mentioning all the anxiety that comes with it. I love them because getting out of the classroom and school environment really gets the kids' attention and give them the opportunity to experience things on a whole different level. There's only so much you can do in a classroom and there's only so much you can do with a textbook. To actually have that hands-on experience not only makes learning fun, but it definitely makes it worth remembering.
I took my class to the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park. We are currently studying plants in Science, so this was very appropos...oh, and also, I just happen to be the lucky winner of the school lottery in which one class from the school gets to go. In all honesty, I was very hesitant to bring my class on any kind of field trip so early into the school year. With this exceptionally talkative class, I was worried that the excitement of the field trip itself would be enough to make some of these kids lose control. Plus, I was used to traveling with at least another 3rd grade class and this would be my first time going solo. The anxiety of using public transportation is also just another major headache that I'd rather not deal with either...because IF the school had its own bus OR IF the school allowed parents to drive kids to and from field trips, our lives would be so much easier. But that's another story altogether. So put all of that together and if you can imagine, it made for a very nervous me on Friday morning. By the way, my morning prayer sounded a little like this: Dear God, please don't let me lose one of my students today. Amen.
Going there, MUNI was not a problem at all. We were able to get on the first bus that came our way...usually, bus drivers would pass up class field trips simply because they don't want to deal with a whole bunch of kids. The kids were okay. I wasn't 100% happy with how they behaved...we have ONE major rule when travelling on the bus and that is to be absolutely quiet. No talking. None. Not allowed. Some might say that's impossible to enforce and in general, just plain mean. But I tell you, when travelling with 25+ 3rd graders on public transportation, fellow passengers and most importantly, the bus drivers all appreciate quiet and well behaved children. I have never really had a problem with my past classes...they were quiet and with one look, they would think twice about opening their mouth to talk. We even practice the day before...yes, practice! We practice standing and holding onto a moving bus....I walk through their lines complete with bumping into them, pushing them, and being rude...y'know, just like how they might experience a real MUNI bus ride. For some of them, this is their first time on a bus. And the #1 reason for their rule of no talking is that they will not distract the bus driver. In years past, I have had many compliments from bus drivers on how well behaved my kids were. And for 3rd graders, this is definitely a big thing.
But oh, can I just skip right down to our bus ride home? We caught the 44 O'Shaughnessy outside the park and lucky for us, it wasn't even crowded. As instructed, I took my class straight to the back of the bus. From the moment we got on the bus, I swear, we all held on for dear life! For a trip that usually takes about 30 minutes to and from the park, our bus ride took half the time! Maybe this bus driver thought it'd be fun to have kids flying out of their seats...and if we were on a bus with a bomb underneath it that would detonate if it went less than 55mph, then I would've understood, but damn bus driver lady! For those of you who are not familiar with the 44 O'Shaughnessy route, it's a very curvy and twisting road. Now remember when you were little and whenever your dad would make a right or left hand turn, you'd do the whole leaning into the turn and squish anyone who was next to you complete with the Ahhhhhh scream? Well, imagine that on a bus, with 26 lil' 3rd graders, whose tiny hands could NOT get a grip on the handle bars and who were literally, LITERALLY, flying out of their seats! At first, I was busy trying to quiet them down, but after a minute of semi-chaotic-ness, I was just focused on grabbling kids left and right and telling them to hold on! It was mad crazy! It was so bad, I honestly think that I got whiplash! Can I just share how happy I was when our stop finally came?! I had the kids thank the bus driver and crazy lady has the balls to say, "Oh, your class was so quiet I almost forgot you were on the bus!" Kiss my ass, lady! Y'know...there's always a reason to detest taking MUNI..
Anyways, the field trip itself was very interesting. We had to split up into groups and of course, my group consisted of the kids that NEED to have me watching them. The theme of the trip was Plant Travelers...basically, how plants travel, germinate, and grow in different climates and conditions. Our docents were very good with the kids and did a great job at keeping them engaged and focused. One of them was a former teacher and kept telling me how cute my students were...I couldn't help thinking, "Is it because they're lil' Asian kids?" Is it me or do most puti people think Asian kids are adorable? And isn't that why when they choose to adopt, they do to China or Korea? Hmmm...sorry...tangent. Anyways, I didn't realize just how huge the Botanical Gardens was...we didn't even cover half of it! If my kids weren't paying attention in class when we studied seeds, then I hope it stuck in their heads this time around because the docents repeatedly mentioned the terms I covered. It was cool to see some students sharing what they knew and remembered from class..YES, they got it! I was given a folder at the beginning of our tour and the docents cut samples for me to take back to the classroom. Plants and seeds just seem more fascinating after a field trip like this because again, it provides that opportunity to learn on a whole different level. I believe these kids will never look at a leaf the same anymore after Friday.
Since hubby was in town for a few days, we decided to have dinner with the Hustler crew. We haven't seen them for days and thankfully, mostly everyone was available for Friday night dinner. L&B suggested Ihaw-Ihaw in San Bruno. Can I just say YUM?! If ya'll haven't gone, you have to go! Order up some pork adobo, the beef steak, and the sinigang...you will not be disappointed. Anyways, we were excited to see everyone, especially B because, well, she's about to give birth any day now! Plus, she is the first in the group to get pregnant...I remember we even had a pool goin' to see who would be the first to get preggie. I had one vote that it'd be me, but it all pointed to L&B. And whaddaya know! After dinner, we all headed to Starbucks for coffee for a bit before da Lapids dropped us off at the airport. It was so great to see everyone, sans the Leynes, and it made us realize just how much we miss having our group of friends like them close by. When we all met, none of us were married. One by one, we got engaged and tied the knot...one by one, we went from an apartment, to a condo, to a single family home. And now, one of us is going to be parents any day now!
Times like these makes me miss being in CA. It's tough to miss out on the dinners, the birthdays, the movie nights, and the plain just hanging out. Maybe it'd be a different story if hubby and I had a similar group of friends out here in MN. Unfortunately we don't. But then again, it's because we don't that makes the coming home a little bit sweeter.
So to the Hustler crew: the Potencions, Opianas, and da Lapids, thanks for coming out for food and coffee. 'Twas great food, great company, and loads of laughs. Good times ya'll...good times. We miss you guys like crazy and look forward to our next get-together. Much love!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
The Message
I was really looking forward to going to church today. My heart was open and ready to listen to the message of God's Word. Unsurprisingly, the message hit quite close to home today because it dealt with teachers, aka leaders. Instead of discussing how to be an effective leader, the pastor focused on what it was to be an INeffective leader. The pastor delved into the various characteristics of how to lead so no one would follow and as a teacher, I was forced to reflect on my own attitude towards teaching others.
Looking back at the past week, if I had to rate it on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst, I would give the thankfully short week a 3. I must say that the kids aren't really bad, so to speak, they are just unbelievably full of energy and excitement. In other words, they really just can't shut up! Lol! While I may not consider myself to be on the strictest teachers out there, I do have certain expectations of how my students should behave. I tell my students that anytime outside of the class is THEIR time- to play, to talk, to scream, to run, to go crazy, etc- but when they are in the classroom, they are on MY time. MY time consists of trying to do their best to pay attention, learning, and leaving all the fooling around at the door. For 8-year old kids, this is quite the challenge and I do understand that...which is why I strive to have a classroom that makes learning fun. I just need the children to understand that there is a time for everything...and if and when you choose to talk during classtime and/or when I am in a middle of a lesson, etc, I will NOT be a happy camper.
Maybe it was the warm weather that made them excitable...or maybe there was an invisible leprachaun that was "forcing" their mouths to open and make noises at inexcusable volumes. Ask any of my kids and they would choose the leprachaun story, hands down. All last week, I found myself raising my voice and losing my patience way too easily. And I really do not enjoy being loud like that. It makes me cranky. I tell my students that hey, if you give ME a good day, I will give YOU a good day. If you give me a bad day, LOOK OUT because I can definitely give you a bad day back. Now, I'm not one to assign tons of extra homework...Lord knows I am still trying to get the kids to finish the assigned work in the first place! But really, if I'm having a bad day, it is so not conducive to learning...and it's a major waste of time. And in all honesty, there was a lot of wasting time last week. Again, I was not a happy camper.
It kills me because we have an upcoming field trip this Friday. I mean, you would THINK that the kids would be on their best behavior. You would THINK that they would try and do their best not to get in trouble. You would THINK that right after I reminded them of the rules that they would follow them. You would THINK, right? W-R-O-N-G! I don't get it! I was VERY close to cancelling this field trip because I really don't think they deserve to go.
Last Friday, we had a teacher in-service. Those are fun. Really. Pshhhhh...NOT! But the ending activity did stand out to me. Basically, it was a reminder that each one of our students has and IS a hidden gift inside and as teachers, our goal is to find it and nurture it. Going back to today's sermon and how to be an ineffective leader, it made me question how much heart I put into being with the kids. Hands down, I love being in the classroom. I love interacting with the kids, getting to know them, teaching them something and seeing that "a-ha" moment when the light goes on in their head. And these kids totally crack me up, too! But with all the excessive talking and "naughtiness," I'm thinking whether or not my reactions to their actions were reasonable. Yes, they broke the rules. Yes, they were LOUD. Yes, they were pushing my buttons. Did they deserve my wrath? ;-)
Some things about ineffective leaders:
- they tend to focus on externals, rather than internals. In other words, they are just worried about their image and don't really care about the deeper impact they should be making.
- they relish special treatment. For example, they enjoy the perks of being a leader and they love and crave the attention- focus is on THEM and not the students.
- they place impossible demands on others. Our goals as teachers and leaders is to help kids be successful...learning is a step by step process.
- they repeat the mistakes of their predecessors. Are we learning from the mistakes of others or are we sticking to the same routine?
- they keep others in the dark. As teachers, are we sharing the brilliant lesson ideas or keeping them to ourselves? Why not share the wealth of information to benefit ALL kids and not just our own individual classes?
Today's message really made me stop and take a look at myself, at my teaching, at my attitude towards teaching, and at my attitude towards my students. What it comes down to is having the right heart to do the job...am I giving from the heart? Because I am only teaching temporarily, am I going to work each day with the right attitude or am I only doing the job half ass? I know that I need to be more patient with the kids and in essence, I have this huge desire to make the most of my time that I do have with them. I've mentioned this before, but teachers don't really get to see the fruits of their labor until much later. But if I can make a difference in some small way, even if it's only getting kids to say "yes" instead of "yah," and "excuse me?" rather than "huh?", then I have done my job.
I hope and pray that I am being effective with my students. I truly believe that it is a calling from God to work with children. Not only do I not want to disappoint the Big Guy upstairs or the students in my care, but I really don't want to disappoint myself. In these past few days, my perspective on teaching and working with kids has been amplified. I need to remind myself to look at each student as a gift and not as the kid who constantly talks. They are all special in their own individual way and deserve nothing but the best from me.
I was really looking forward to going to church today. My heart was open and ready to listen to the message of God's Word. Unsurprisingly, the message hit quite close to home today because it dealt with teachers, aka leaders. Instead of discussing how to be an effective leader, the pastor focused on what it was to be an INeffective leader. The pastor delved into the various characteristics of how to lead so no one would follow and as a teacher, I was forced to reflect on my own attitude towards teaching others.
Looking back at the past week, if I had to rate it on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst, I would give the thankfully short week a 3. I must say that the kids aren't really bad, so to speak, they are just unbelievably full of energy and excitement. In other words, they really just can't shut up! Lol! While I may not consider myself to be on the strictest teachers out there, I do have certain expectations of how my students should behave. I tell my students that anytime outside of the class is THEIR time- to play, to talk, to scream, to run, to go crazy, etc- but when they are in the classroom, they are on MY time. MY time consists of trying to do their best to pay attention, learning, and leaving all the fooling around at the door. For 8-year old kids, this is quite the challenge and I do understand that...which is why I strive to have a classroom that makes learning fun. I just need the children to understand that there is a time for everything...and if and when you choose to talk during classtime and/or when I am in a middle of a lesson, etc, I will NOT be a happy camper.
Maybe it was the warm weather that made them excitable...or maybe there was an invisible leprachaun that was "forcing" their mouths to open and make noises at inexcusable volumes. Ask any of my kids and they would choose the leprachaun story, hands down. All last week, I found myself raising my voice and losing my patience way too easily. And I really do not enjoy being loud like that. It makes me cranky. I tell my students that hey, if you give ME a good day, I will give YOU a good day. If you give me a bad day, LOOK OUT because I can definitely give you a bad day back. Now, I'm not one to assign tons of extra homework...Lord knows I am still trying to get the kids to finish the assigned work in the first place! But really, if I'm having a bad day, it is so not conducive to learning...and it's a major waste of time. And in all honesty, there was a lot of wasting time last week. Again, I was not a happy camper.
It kills me because we have an upcoming field trip this Friday. I mean, you would THINK that the kids would be on their best behavior. You would THINK that they would try and do their best not to get in trouble. You would THINK that right after I reminded them of the rules that they would follow them. You would THINK, right? W-R-O-N-G! I don't get it! I was VERY close to cancelling this field trip because I really don't think they deserve to go.
Last Friday, we had a teacher in-service. Those are fun. Really. Pshhhhh...NOT! But the ending activity did stand out to me. Basically, it was a reminder that each one of our students has and IS a hidden gift inside and as teachers, our goal is to find it and nurture it. Going back to today's sermon and how to be an ineffective leader, it made me question how much heart I put into being with the kids. Hands down, I love being in the classroom. I love interacting with the kids, getting to know them, teaching them something and seeing that "a-ha" moment when the light goes on in their head. And these kids totally crack me up, too! But with all the excessive talking and "naughtiness," I'm thinking whether or not my reactions to their actions were reasonable. Yes, they broke the rules. Yes, they were LOUD. Yes, they were pushing my buttons. Did they deserve my wrath? ;-)
Some things about ineffective leaders:
- they tend to focus on externals, rather than internals. In other words, they are just worried about their image and don't really care about the deeper impact they should be making.
- they relish special treatment. For example, they enjoy the perks of being a leader and they love and crave the attention- focus is on THEM and not the students.
- they place impossible demands on others. Our goals as teachers and leaders is to help kids be successful...learning is a step by step process.
- they repeat the mistakes of their predecessors. Are we learning from the mistakes of others or are we sticking to the same routine?
- they keep others in the dark. As teachers, are we sharing the brilliant lesson ideas or keeping them to ourselves? Why not share the wealth of information to benefit ALL kids and not just our own individual classes?
Today's message really made me stop and take a look at myself, at my teaching, at my attitude towards teaching, and at my attitude towards my students. What it comes down to is having the right heart to do the job...am I giving from the heart? Because I am only teaching temporarily, am I going to work each day with the right attitude or am I only doing the job half ass? I know that I need to be more patient with the kids and in essence, I have this huge desire to make the most of my time that I do have with them. I've mentioned this before, but teachers don't really get to see the fruits of their labor until much later. But if I can make a difference in some small way, even if it's only getting kids to say "yes" instead of "yah," and "excuse me?" rather than "huh?", then I have done my job.
I hope and pray that I am being effective with my students. I truly believe that it is a calling from God to work with children. Not only do I not want to disappoint the Big Guy upstairs or the students in my care, but I really don't want to disappoint myself. In these past few days, my perspective on teaching and working with kids has been amplified. I need to remind myself to look at each student as a gift and not as the kid who constantly talks. They are all special in their own individual way and deserve nothing but the best from me.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Pinch, Punch, the 1st of the Month!
Ya'll remember that from your elementary days? Yes, yes, I've reverted back to the silliness of third grade simply because I'm surrounded by them on a daily basis. Although I do have to say that the full grown adult in me came out in full force this week as I tried to get my unruly bunch of 8-year olds to settle down and listen. I don't remember my teachers ever having to really raise their voices or watch their hair turn white as they tried to get us to be on-task. Sure there was always that handful, but man, nothing like today's kids! We have been in school a full month now and I expect the kiddies to follow a certain routine. For example, one of the techniques I use to get their attention is to ring my bell. When I ring it, everyone has to freeze and stop talking no matter what they are doing. I have them face me, give them the necessary instructions, and voila, they're supposed to follow the given directions. Supposedly. Eh....let's just say that it has not been a good week at all.
Talk To The Hand!
Because I don't want to get into the full details of this incident that I had recently with a parent, let me just summarize it all in a nutshell. This one nitpicky parent, who has been complaining since day one, yelled at me in front of my class. She had the audacity to point fingers in my face and tell me that I was NOT doing this and/or doing that in the classroom. She had the nerve to twist my words around and made it seem like I am not doing my job. And to make it even worse, her timing could not have been worse because she decided to spout off at me at 8:25am, five minutes before I start my day. Since she was on a roll and since I did not see an end to it all, I had to raise MY voice at her, in front of the kids AND some other parents in the classroom, and basically do the whole "talk to the hand" bit. I told her that she was welcome to sit in my classroom to observe what I do or take it up with the principal if she pleased, but I simply did not have the time to deal with her in that manner at that moment. I tell you, as much as I tried to keep my cool for the kids' sake, my whole day was practically ruined. Talk about not starting the day on the right foot! Ugh...just one of the many "benefits" of being a teacher in today's world.
Besides the drama of uncooperative parents AND students, my body has taken a beating physically. At the end of the day, I'm dead tired! During the day, all the adrenaline to teach, assess, supervise, discipline, interact, etc, pumps through my body, but as I am driving those less-than-5-minutes back home, my body slows down considerably. I park the car, walk up the steps, open the gate, go down the stairs to my room and once my head hits the pillow, it's lights out for me! At 4-5pm, it's not unusual to take short naps to get reenergized, but with MnM, there is no such thing as a short nap! Whenever I take a nap, I end up waking up 7-8 hours later! Short naps and/or power naps are impossible for me. And when I do take my famous 7-8 hour naps, that usually means skipping out on piles of papers to correct. So figure the 3 days this week that I napped after school and multiply that by the piles of papers I have yet to correct, well, I ain't that best in math, but I'll you right now, it's a major sh*tload.
In any case, I just wanted to wish ya'll a Happy 1st of October! I know that it's been a while, but don't fret faithful readers (all 3 of you!), I am still alive!
Birthday Shout-Outs
*Just wanted to send some birthday love to Mister J AND to my mama-in-law down in San Diego. Also wanted to send a belated shout out to Sweet Sixteener, Lina, and to
my fellow 80's buff lil' bro back in Minnesota, Franco, who celebrated his 20th last Saturday. Sorry dude...try as you'd like to be a cool Generation X-er like us, nothing beats being an original! LOL! Love and hugs to you all!
*Hubby...the flowers were beautiful! Just a few more days...
Ya'll remember that from your elementary days? Yes, yes, I've reverted back to the silliness of third grade simply because I'm surrounded by them on a daily basis. Although I do have to say that the full grown adult in me came out in full force this week as I tried to get my unruly bunch of 8-year olds to settle down and listen. I don't remember my teachers ever having to really raise their voices or watch their hair turn white as they tried to get us to be on-task. Sure there was always that handful, but man, nothing like today's kids! We have been in school a full month now and I expect the kiddies to follow a certain routine. For example, one of the techniques I use to get their attention is to ring my bell. When I ring it, everyone has to freeze and stop talking no matter what they are doing. I have them face me, give them the necessary instructions, and voila, they're supposed to follow the given directions. Supposedly. Eh....let's just say that it has not been a good week at all.
Talk To The Hand!
Because I don't want to get into the full details of this incident that I had recently with a parent, let me just summarize it all in a nutshell. This one nitpicky parent, who has been complaining since day one, yelled at me in front of my class. She had the audacity to point fingers in my face and tell me that I was NOT doing this and/or doing that in the classroom. She had the nerve to twist my words around and made it seem like I am not doing my job. And to make it even worse, her timing could not have been worse because she decided to spout off at me at 8:25am, five minutes before I start my day. Since she was on a roll and since I did not see an end to it all, I had to raise MY voice at her, in front of the kids AND some other parents in the classroom, and basically do the whole "talk to the hand" bit. I told her that she was welcome to sit in my classroom to observe what I do or take it up with the principal if she pleased, but I simply did not have the time to deal with her in that manner at that moment. I tell you, as much as I tried to keep my cool for the kids' sake, my whole day was practically ruined. Talk about not starting the day on the right foot! Ugh...just one of the many "benefits" of being a teacher in today's world.
Besides the drama of uncooperative parents AND students, my body has taken a beating physically. At the end of the day, I'm dead tired! During the day, all the adrenaline to teach, assess, supervise, discipline, interact, etc, pumps through my body, but as I am driving those less-than-5-minutes back home, my body slows down considerably. I park the car, walk up the steps, open the gate, go down the stairs to my room and once my head hits the pillow, it's lights out for me! At 4-5pm, it's not unusual to take short naps to get reenergized, but with MnM, there is no such thing as a short nap! Whenever I take a nap, I end up waking up 7-8 hours later! Short naps and/or power naps are impossible for me. And when I do take my famous 7-8 hour naps, that usually means skipping out on piles of papers to correct. So figure the 3 days this week that I napped after school and multiply that by the piles of papers I have yet to correct, well, I ain't that best in math, but I'll you right now, it's a major sh*tload.
In any case, I just wanted to wish ya'll a Happy 1st of October! I know that it's been a while, but don't fret faithful readers (all 3 of you!), I am still alive!
Birthday Shout-Outs
*Just wanted to send some birthday love to Mister J AND to my mama-in-law down in San Diego. Also wanted to send a belated shout out to Sweet Sixteener, Lina, and to
my fellow 80's buff lil' bro back in Minnesota, Franco, who celebrated his 20th last Saturday. Sorry dude...try as you'd like to be a cool Generation X-er like us, nothing beats being an original! LOL! Love and hugs to you all!
*Hubby...the flowers were beautiful! Just a few more days...
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