Wednesday, November 10, 2010

For Me...and only me.

I'm done walking on eggshells for anyone anymore. In fact, I really don't know why I've ever succumbed to writing for anyone else other than me. Perhaps knowing that I had a mini-following built up that pressure to write something, in my eyes, worth reading. I've never doted on myself for being a great writer. There are tons of one would take the time to read mine...unless I specifically invited them to do so.

Knowing that that are certain people who visit this site on and off has kept me from writing. Writing has been my refuge. It has allowed me to leave my current shitty state of mind and vent. Whether what came out of that was poetic or whatnot is up to the reader. But I started to censor my true feelings. Why? So I wouldn't hurt someone else's?! Screw that! They don't like what they read, they could move on. Don't visit my blog if you are feeling ultra sensitive about something. I am not here to make you feel better.

That has been a grave mistake on my part. In essence, because I have been "watching what I write," it has just resulted in me being very stressed out and frustrated! I have not had the kinds of "release" necessary for the rest of me to function properly otherwise...and I'm not talking sexual frustration either- lol! When I don't get all of my thoughts down, my mind starts to go crazy. It's as if the thoughts running around in my mind begin to overflow and crowd my brain....maybe that's why I have this frickin' huge headache right now!

From here on out, this is just for me. You may be here for a reason...maybe because you want to genuinely know how MnM is doing, maybe you're bored at work and need a distraction....hell, maybe you need something to make yourself feel better so you thought you'd read up on the "soap opera" that is my life so you can realize that no, your problems are not as bad as you once perceived. Whatever your reasons are, I respect them.

Just do me this one thing and return the favor. You don't have to like WHAT I write. You don't have to like HOW I write. And just know that from here on out, I write for me...and no one else.


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