Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Goodbye Summer...I'll Miss You So

This week marks the official end of summer vacation as I know it. Even though summer school ended almost two weeks ago, I will say that I've enjoyed the not working thang for all it was worth. I've spent the week here in the South Bay helping out the Music Maestro with Band Camp paperwork. He'd probably roll his eyes, but I am SO impressed at what goes on with the whole subculture of marching band. It's not as American Pie-esque as you might think. The kids all come ready and prepared to work...and down here in the South Bay, work in the freakin' heat! Logistics aside, I caught a glimpse of the Music Maestro marching alongside the kids in the god-awful heat...and as I learned, it's a rain-or-shine-the-show-must-go-on kinda thing. The Marching Band culture is so unfamiliar to me and I'm learning so much...and it makes me so envious that I wasn't able to experience this type of thing in high school.

Again, he'd probably roll his eyes and maybe even get a tad embarrassed when I say this, but watching him with the 100+ kids that he directs and seeing how dedicated he is in his craft really inspires me to be a better teacher. I've bitched nonstop about what a terrible year I had and I've tired myself out with feeling like a failure with those kids...I was about ready to give up altogether! But hell, who said teaching was easy? I'm determined to leave all the bad shit of last year behind me...and despite all of the changes this year has in store, I WILL have a better year!

This is how excited I am about the school year...I've already gone back to school to start setting up my classroom. This was just a few days after summer school ended, mind you! It would have been so much easier to keep the same set-up as last year, but somewhere between crazy and insane, something made me want to redecorate...a task that I hope not to regret. Me, myself, and I decided to push, pull, and drag the heaviest furniture in my class to find better feng shui. Y'know how you need to step away from a project for a few days to get a better picture of what you're doing? Well, I sure as hell hope that what I see tomorrow isn't a huge disaster! Please let it be Trading Spaces worthy...please! lol!

My list of school supplies isn't as bad as I thought either. I checked what supplies I had leftover from last year and well, wouldn't you know it? I was stingy is using them up! lol! Talk about kuriput! This will sound terrible, but because last year's kids gave me such a rough time, I didn't do a lot of activities with them as I normally would have- I didn't do some art activities, fun projects, AND I didn't do my annual RAFFLE HUNT! Shit..they didn't deserve it. 'Nuff said...

Since summer school ended, I'm anticipating the school year to begin BECAUSE OF the kids. The incoming third graders were so excitable and that, in turn, has got me excited! Sure there will be a lot of changes with so many teachers not returning (I'll miss you, Sha!) , it is a WASC visit this year (school accreditation business), and once again, the 3rd Grade team will be going through a transition period with a new teacher going on maternity. It's always tough when we don't have a complete team because one or all of us has to take on more responsibilites that we signed for. But what's great about the CORE group (or the 3 Musketeers as we are often called) is that we work really well together. While there are times when we don't necessarily agree 100%, we make it work.

Looking back at my summer as it comes to an end, I will have to say that it was quite an adventure. My first time teaching summer school was exhausting at times, but overall, I had a lot of fun working with the people in my grade level. Summer was also a time when I got to catch up with a lot of friends and family, too. While the death of my Lolo still hangs heavy in my heart, I am comforted knowing that so many of my family were able to see him...and just like that old saying, when one passes, another is born...there's much to celebrate with the newest addition to our crazy family with Kairo Biyaya.

Last, but definitely not least, I've enjoyed spending time with my Music Maestro. Catalina Island was an adventure in itself seeing that both of us have never been there before. But moreso, what better way to get to know someone than to go on a trip with them...on an island, no less? You're stuck! Lol! Time with my baby has been amazing and I just feel so lucky to have met such a wonderfully wonderful person. It's almost four months since our first date, but it honestly feels like I've known him much longer than I have. Where has he been all my life??? <3

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