Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I Gotta Admit...

*...that I had a pretty good day at work today...and it was all because ONE student wasn't there. My "challenging" kid has been living up to his reputation and while I am trying my damndest, I don't feel that I'm handling him very well. He makes me want to tear my hair out and 9 out of 10 times, he is the reason why I am not having a good day. He makes me doubt my skills as a teacher because I feel that I am failing him. He's had a traumatic early childhood, but when he acts up and gets physically violent and defiant, I lose my cool. But without him in the classroom today, so much was accomplished...and today was a good day.

*...I'm getting old! Lol...yes, yes, it happens to us all, but damn, I am SO feeling it! I've got aches and pains all over my body and I just realized hair is graying! I've had a bad back for years, but when the weather gets cold like it's been, even a double dose of Motrin can't help. Last night I had a pounding headache, achy back, and my knee...remember how the kneecap popped out? It's been feeling funky lately. And the latest thing...I think I may have carpal. My wrists and forearms feel tweaked and I can't even open a water bottle without wincing. Feeling old...

*...I am a sucker for Irish much so that it may get me in trouble. I just don't want to go down that path that leads to nowhere but I should even call it that! I'm pretty sure I'm on a one-way street all on my own, but sometimes I can't help myself. S-U-C-K-E-R.

*...I really enjoyed my Starbucks today...along with the company. It was great to catch up and compare notes, so to speak. But more than that, I gotta admit that while I'm glad you are "ridiculously happy" in your life right now, a part of me was somewhat disappointed. Can't quite explain, but nevertheless, it was great to see you...looking forward to hanging again soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'll be passing by sf soon! :-)