Sunday, January 27, 2008

Blast From the Past

In a span of one week, I've either received a phone call, a text, or have run into someone that I haven't seen in a helluva long time! That saying of "everything happens in threes" rings so true!

- Got a call from 'Part2' original "Summer School" twin! Even though she moved from the Bay years ago and despite us losing touch for years at a time, whenever we do get back in touch, it's as if time never passed. We catch up on each other's lives, but our closeness has never wavered and it's as if the two best friends from elementary school never parted ways. Sometime in the summer, I got a call from her cousin, also an old classmate of mine, and he did tell me that she was expecting her second child. We made plans to meet up, but our plans fell through. But he did pass my number to 'Part2', but it was only last week that she got a hold of me. In the 30minutes or so that we talked, I told her about my divorce and she told me about her new baby girl. Again, one would never guess that it's been years since we last spoke. Coincidentally, she called me today to let me know that there's been a death in her family. She'll be coming to the Bay for the funeral, and though it's under such sad circumstances, it will be great to see her again.

- For the past couple of weeks, I've been getting these random texts and I've been clueless as to whom has been sending them. They'd never be personal texts to me; rather, it'd be forwards. I finally had to ask, "who is this?" because I was curious and it turned out to be a friend of a friend who happened to change cell numbers. Apparently, I didn't make the mass email/text when the changes were solved!

- When it's been years since you've last someone, you're not quite sure if it's truly them unless you hear someone utter their name...or in my case, unless you see their nametag! Ran into F while I was shopping and as I stood in line, I couldn't help but stare. Was it him? Was it not? As he passed me, I took a quick glimpse at his nametag and at the same time, he noticed me and did that whole, "Hey! I know you!" thing. It was a trip because as I was talking to him, I kept thinking, "This fool does NOT remember my name!" Lol! It was very cool to run into him since the last time was from my SF State days...'tis always fun to think back to those college days and how we were all young and stupid...but now that we're older, it'll be cool to catch up and see where our lives have taken us thus far.


When I think of my current class, I get bummed. Why? Because it's so long until summer vacation! Damn, that's awful! It's not that I don't love my students...because I do. It's just that I'm having a hard time LIKING them most of the time. There's a difference.

We just had a field trip to City Hall and the Main Library downtown. Thankfully, the weather was cooperative and no one got lost or sick. A few students were left behind because they had missing assignments...and of course, I had to deal with their angry parents afterwards, but that's another post. But see, to ME, I believe that field trips are a PRIVILEGE. They are such a great learning tool and an experience that I wish every kid could participate in. I LOVE the opportunity for these kids to have a taste on the world outside the safety of our school walls...because A LOT of them are so sheltered...and egads, so spoiled. But still, these special trips are reserved for the kids who work hard and who deserve it. Maybe I'm being harsh here, but if you can't turn in all of your work, if you don't turn in your permission slip and money by the dealdine, if you are causing trouble ALL THE TIME, my policy is that you WILL be left behind.

But see, it doesn't end there. While we are on the field trip, I still expect my students to follow the rules. Yes, they are excited and whatnot, but still. And then for these very same kids to COMPLAIN about little things is beyond me! I see it in their diva faces...the world revolves around them...and they DESERVE whatever it is their heart desires.

Sorry...with that kind of attitude, I've no problem shooting you down. Plus, when I see you treating your parents like c-r-a-p, talking back, and even blaming them for your stupid and careless mistakes, I WILL PUT YOU IN YOUR PLACE. Shit...when did 8-year olds get free reign over their parents??? While I will never, ever place a hand on a child in anger, it doesn't stop me from thinking that some of the kids nowadays truly deserve a good-ass whoopin...hands down.

Anyways...the field trip itself was incredible. I never tire of visiting City Hall. It's such a magnificent and beautiful historic building...and the day that we happened to go, it was being prepared for a Gala Ball to commemorate 75 years of the San Francisco Ballet. City Hall is called the "People's Palace"...and I couldn't help thinking that it would be almost like a fairytale to attend an elegant evening there. How corny, I know! Just walking down the grand staircase in the domed rotunda would be almost, I'll stop. Aside from me enjoying the beauty of City Hall, my class was "ok." They don't impress me much...and I don't think they really care to. That sucks.

How many more months of school???

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