Saturday, January 19, 2008

In No Particular Order...

Seems like ages since the last time I posted...and it's not because there hasn't been anything blog-worthy to's more like the "I should really subscribe to my own internet service instead of relying on a connection to some random neighbor.." Lol. And because I am never sure of how long I will be connected, here's a quick run-down of what's been goin' down with MnM in the past few weeks in no particular order.

Some birthdays have come, gone, and are quickly approaching. Quick shout-outs to Chelle, Ana, Ethan's Mommy, Nico-man, Soleil in MN, Jadon's mama, MY mama...and for tomorrow, my dad and Mr. Kam. My Lolo's 93rd is coming up and so is Bina who's turning, how quickly she's grown up! And if Kuya Sam were still with us, he would've turned 38 on the 21st...I miss you much, rest in peace...

The weather has been up and down, rainy and windy, sunny and clear, but always bone-chilling cold in the night. Thankfully we haven't had any terrorizing storms as of late and I can only hope that we're done with 'em. I've succumbed to being that sucker for not making it out to the beach for a walk/jog because of the cold, BUT I did buy myself a balance ball so I could still get my exercise on at home. Unfortunately, I got hit with body aches, headaches, coughing, sore throat, and runny nose earlier in the week...went to work ANYWAY, but paid for it midweek. Had to go home early on Tuesday and was out the entire day on Wednesday. I nursed whatever I had with chicken soup (thanks Mom!), tea, NYQUIL (knocks you the f-out!), and good ole' fashioned (and much needed)sleep. I must've been out for 20+ hours! I'm good to go and I'm up and about now...being sick SO bites.

School has been...gosh, what's the word? Um...challenging. I haven't been feeling the love lately...not sure if it's the love of teaching that's waning or if it's the kids. As tough as my kids have been in the past and despite the not-so-good days, I've always felt a connection with my kids early on in the school year. But as it is- five months now- there ain't one to speak of...and it saddens me. I don't feel like I'm getting through to these kids and to be quite frank, 3/4 of them are spoiled with bad attitudes up the wazoo! I had two really bad weeks in a row- not one day was a good one- and I just got fed up. Last Thursday, the entire class practiced being silent. That's right, S-I-L-E-N-T. Plus, they had so much work to do that they didn't have time to speak. Call it harsh punishment or whatever, these kids deserved what they got and all I gotta say is that they had better learned from it. Or else. Can you believe it, but I'm already looking forward to summer vacation?! (*On one of those bad days, I got a call from Nico. His mom didn't know he had called me, but here we were having the funniest conversation! He had called to see how I'm doing and to tell me that he missed me. Aw, did I feel loved or what?! If only he knew how much his call cheered me up! Love that kid!)

In the news: the Sunset! Yessir, my hood has been making it on the news as of late. Sometime last week, there were two incidents involving the MUNI streetcars- 1) a car was hit as it was backing out, apparently didn't notice or see the approaching streetcar...nevermind that it's BIG, LONG, LOUD, and ORANGE...2) a man fell off the boarding area, got caught underneath, AND was dragged for twenty blocks....TWENTY! And here's my most recent that freaks the hell outta me- a body of man was found covered beneath some sand at Ocean Beach. If ya'll are familiar with the parking lot, you know that they are numbered. Well, the body was found closest to #17...nevermind the fact that is the exact spot that I pass each time I go walking. Gives me the creeps...OH, and just the other night, the familiar sounds of the police helicopters were roaming above, probably with searchlights on. Nice.

Other random stuff...bought the cutest boots at DSW only to find out that they're not the most comfortable. (and yes, I DID try them on and walked around in them at the store!) My Apu is in the hospital AGAIN. Seems like she's been in and out every month... Been watching a bunch of DVDs lately: Bend It Like Beckham, A Lot Like Love, Shakespeare in Love, and Malena. Finished reading the Darlington pick, "Eat Love Pray." A tough memoir to stomach because of the issues with divorce and love of was almost as if I was reading about myself in many parts. I also reread "God's Blogs" because it's a quick read and yet, its short excerpts speak volumes. I've just started on "Atonement," but I'm getting impatient because I want to see the movie already. Attended Michael's art showing at BacioCafe last Sunday bringing along with me Jen, Andrew, and son Joshua. Had my unfortunate nightmare again that had plagued me for so long in the past...wondered WHY and WHAT triggered me to have it...and decided it was because I had to pay yet another final invoice to my freakin' lawyer AND the fact that it's been a year since my townhome in Woodbury was foreclosed. Speaking of home, my lil' place is getting cozier and now that I've got myself a microwave (it's red!), life is good. Lastly, I'm still fascinated by all things Ireland and fancy myself going there and having a romantic love affair with a pub singing local with the accent that just melts my heart, but for now, the dream must be set aside for the time being. Sometimes the saying, "We'll always have what we had" just doesn't cut it, but if it's all there is to it, then I guess it'll have to do...

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