Saturday, December 29, 2007

7 Weird/Random Things About MnM

Okay...this is late in coming. Got tagged by Twin Rho, but it being hell without the luxury of internet AND the fact that I've had to really think about my responses is what took me so long. 'Tis a funny thing about the internet...I feel so DISconnected without it and when I do have access to it, I feel all my time is semi-wasted as I try and "catch up." Yet, without it, I have caught up with other luxuries that I've let fallen by the wayside for too reading. Oh yes, and sleeping...eating...correcting papers. But I digress...

A few rules about this random facts thingy...and c'mon, play along, won't you?

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. Whenever I'm driving anywhere, I'm always looking at license plates. I think it started around the time when I started driving. But after looking at the license plates, I take it one step further by committing it to memory by coming up with some random mnemonics. Extra points if there happens to be out-of-state cars in the area and whoa, let's not forget about personalized plates...then it becomes even MORE interesting (in my mind anyways...). As bizarre as it may sound, it's almost an obsession.

2. I seriously cannot stand the fact that people do not know how to drive on the Great Highway. 35mph freakin' need to tail my ain't goin' nowhere but forward on this two lane road and really, stop wasting gas by braking- the lights are TIMED!

3. I HAVE to make sure the closet doors are securely closed before going to bed. Credit that damn "Poltergeist" movie for this one, shit, I won't even go into WHY. Hell...the same goes for my reason for not liking clowns.

4. I'm a big crybaby. I cry at everything- commercials, movies, cards, books, songs, sunsets, sunrises, memories. What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic, I'm corny, and I'm easily sue me...but can you pass the tissue?

5. I'm proud to have called Minnesota my home for a few years. It may not have seemed like it at the time (because I was SO homesick for CA). I loved that I got to experience living in the Midwest and everything that came with it- from the weather to the God-lovin' peoples to the living out in the boonies thing. I miss it every now and then...and I sure do wish I was able to have a white Christmas.

6. I'm a fast typist. Even I impress myself! Lol!

7. I have ESP. Not in the sense that I could predict tomorrow's Lotto numbers, but call it my "6th Sense" if you will. Thoughts of an event or a person or something totally random will "pop" into my mind and whaddaya know, it will happen. But it's usually immediate, like within the first couple of seconds of the thought. It's pretty eerie, but it happens SO OFTEN that many times, I think nothing of it. Some people call it coincidence, but in the 25+ years that it's been happening, I embrace it as my ESP.

Okay...even though I know ya'll won't do it, I have to choose seven people...and seeing that Twin Rho and J would've been part of that group, I choose you: Ethan's Mommy, Mrs. Voodoo, Keyopes, the Weekender, RyceGirlie, msbLiSs, and BFF.

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