Saturday, December 29, 2007
Okay...this is late in coming. Got tagged by Twin Rho, but it being hell without the luxury of internet AND the fact that I've had to really think about my responses is what took me so long. 'Tis a funny thing about the internet...I feel so DISconnected without it and when I do have access to it, I feel all my time is semi-wasted as I try and "catch up." Yet, without it, I have caught up with other luxuries that I've let fallen by the wayside for too reading. Oh yes, and sleeping...eating...correcting papers. But I digress...
A few rules about this random facts thingy...and c'mon, play along, won't you?
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. Whenever I'm driving anywhere, I'm always looking at license plates. I think it started around the time when I started driving. But after looking at the license plates, I take it one step further by committing it to memory by coming up with some random mnemonics. Extra points if there happens to be out-of-state cars in the area and whoa, let's not forget about personalized plates...then it becomes even MORE interesting (in my mind anyways...). As bizarre as it may sound, it's almost an obsession.
2. I seriously cannot stand the fact that people do not know how to drive on the Great Highway. 35mph freakin' need to tail my ain't goin' nowhere but forward on this two lane road and really, stop wasting gas by braking- the lights are TIMED!
3. I HAVE to make sure the closet doors are securely closed before going to bed. Credit that damn "Poltergeist" movie for this one, shit, I won't even go into WHY. Hell...the same goes for my reason for not liking clowns.
4. I'm a big crybaby. I cry at everything- commercials, movies, cards, books, songs, sunsets, sunrises, memories. What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic, I'm corny, and I'm easily sue me...but can you pass the tissue?
5. I'm proud to have called Minnesota my home for a few years. It may not have seemed like it at the time (because I was SO homesick for CA). I loved that I got to experience living in the Midwest and everything that came with it- from the weather to the God-lovin' peoples to the living out in the boonies thing. I miss it every now and then...and I sure do wish I was able to have a white Christmas.
6. I'm a fast typist. Even I impress myself! Lol!
7. I have ESP. Not in the sense that I could predict tomorrow's Lotto numbers, but call it my "6th Sense" if you will. Thoughts of an event or a person or something totally random will "pop" into my mind and whaddaya know, it will happen. But it's usually immediate, like within the first couple of seconds of the thought. It's pretty eerie, but it happens SO OFTEN that many times, I think nothing of it. Some people call it coincidence, but in the 25+ years that it's been happening, I embrace it as my ESP.
Okay...even though I know ya'll won't do it, I have to choose seven people...and seeing that Twin Rho and J would've been part of that group, I choose you: Ethan's Mommy, Mrs. Voodoo, Keyopes, the Weekender, RyceGirlie, msbLiSs, and BFF.
Friday, December 28, 2007

Two thumbs up! If you liked the first National Treasure movie, you'll love this movie. When it comes to movies, I'm pretty easy about 'em. There really aren't many movies that I don't like...aside from all of the movies that I simply REFUSE to see that includes all horror/slasher movies. It's funny because growing up, I never had much of a liking for history. It wasn't until my last year in high school that I became so engrossed in our study of the Vietnam War. From there, I began to notice how fascinating the past was...and of course there's the learning from the past so as not to commit the same mistakes twice, etc, but seriously, I regret not paying more attention in school back in the day.
Without going into the storyline, I will say how I love how the story jumps around to the different locations - from Paris to London to Mt.Rushmore in South Dakota. Yes, yes, a giggly MnM sat there excitedly saying, "I was there! I was there!" Out of all the states that I was able to pass through during my cross-country drive from MN to CA, South Dakota was- hands down- the most interesting state....compared to Wyoming and Nebraska, that is. Mt. Rushmore is truly a sight to behold!
In any case, as it is with enjoyable movies, I was sad to see it end. I wish all movies were at least 3 hours long! lol! OH...I forget to mention....saw the preview for Prince Caspian...the return to NARNIA! I'm so excited!
'Twas a nice relaxing day to spend with my sis, BADMama and the, we also ran into Triple D and BeBeBallerina's really, it was a family affair all around!
Another Christmas has come and gone. With New Year's just around the corner, one can't help but think about how the year has been. December alone has been a busy month- not just because of last minute shopping or the chaotic rush of the last few weeks of school- but because this month has brought about so many emotions dealing with everything from news of a new baby, divorce (not mine for a change...), and death. But despite all of the changes that we have to deal with concerning each one, there's something to be learned and to be thankful for, isn't there?
After going through my own divorce, it's definitely something that I would never ever wish upon anyone. It's messy, difficult, and just downright sad. Of course, each couple has their own set of reasons as to what leads them down this path and I'm not one to say that we all fall into the same category, but understandably so, I can sympathize at how painful that decision could be. After being married, I realize that it doesn't matter how long or how short the relationship was, pain is pain...heartache is heartache. It's taken me a long time to get over that part of my life and I think in some way, it will always BE there. But as they say, time is the great healer. I've accepted what has happened and the fact that it HAD to happen. What's done is's time to move on. After four years of dealing with my marital issues, I can say that I've finally let it go. It was time.
While some are just emotionally stronger than others, again, I don't wish the big D on anyone. Seeing any loved one dealing with this brings back the pain of my own, but it's not with sadness anymore. It's more like lessons learned. It's my hope that my experience can only help in the dealing of it...perhaps even be an example that yes, through time, the days won't seem so dark, life won't be so sad, and that things WILL get better.
In an earlier post, I mentioned the passing of Lolo Buddy. His death right before the holidays just seemed cruel, but at the same time, seemed apropos. In many ways, his passing brought so many people together, albeit it was under sad circumstances, still. I'm just thankful that his family was with him during his final moments.
As they say, with a death comes new life...when one passes, another is born. I think that's definitely the case here! My newly married auntie announced at Christmas that she is expecting a baby! Our clan continues to Talk about a surprise and wow...what a wonderful gift.
I pray that ya'll had a wonderfully blessed Christmas...and just because I think it's a beautiful story, here's the story of the Birth of Christ.
The Birth of Jesus
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register.
So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
The Shepherds and the Angels
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. ~Luke 2 (NIV)
Friday, December 21, 2007
Talk about a tear-jerker!
First off, I already knew, without a doubt, that I was going to see this film on opening day. Second, loved the fact that I got to see it with my sis, BADMama...couldn't imagine seeing it with anyone else at the moment who would really understand inner goings of MnMz mind. Third, so glad that I had read the book FIRST...and although I have to re-read it again, it may very well be that the movie is better than the book....a rarity, I know! (Plus, I just HAD to buy another copy of the book with the movie poster of Gerard Butler on it....'cuz hell, I could look at him all day...). Fourth....well, let me just say (and this may sound somewhat ironic), but while I do believe that all things happen for a reason because God intended, I can still be superstitious in ways in which I believe in SIGNS...however big or small they may be. So fourth, this movie points to some signs...not sure whether they are significant or what, but still, signs they are to me.'s IRELAND. As many of you know, I am in love with IRELAND. Just seeing the backdrop of the amazingly beautiful landscape of the Irish countrysides just takes my breath away! And Lordy...the accent, oh damn, the accent....just melts my insides.
For those of you who haven't seen the preview or read the book, the basic premise is about a couple (Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler) who are totally in love with each other....but tragedy hits and Gerard Butler's character passes away. He was "the cute Irish guy who likes to sing." As his wife deals with his death, she is surprised to find that he had arranged letters to be sent to her with specific instructions...even after his passing. The entire movie goes on as she follows the wishes of her dead husband. It's sweet, really....awfully the point of tears flowing down with each scene. Yah, I'm a sucker...I know.
And dammit, did I mention how FINE Gerard Butler is?! He's not even Irish, but d-a-m-n....he makes me melt!
Anyways, the storyline has total chickflick written all over it. I'm determined more than ever to go to Ireland now....of course along with the plan to go to Italy and France, that is. It was a crying movie, for sure (and sometimes everyone needs a good cry) plan on bringing some tissue.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Yes, so apparently I have the habit of being MIA these days. To be quite honest, it really is out of my hands! Being in my own lil' crib, I have all the time in the world to blog, but danggit, if only my internet connection was on 24/7! Same old story, I know, but limited funds don't allow for me to subscribe just yet. It's ghetto, I know! So if you can imagine, I wake up each morning, head to my laptop, do a little "oh please work, oh please work" lil' chant, and wait those agonizing seconds as the green bar at the bottom of my screen loads. More often than not, it gets to about bar five before that dreaded "cannot display page- please check internet connection" pops up. Hate that shit. It really isn't cool to wake up all anxious like that only to get all frustrated and peeved...gets me swearing up a storm, I tell you! As it is, whenever I DO get connection, I never know for how long the gift will so, let me type away as fast as I can in order to get a posting up....
December Review
School is out for Christmas vacation...thank God! In December alone, we only really had two weeks in session....but those two weeks were pure hell! The last week alone was torture- we had our 3rd Grade Christmas program on Wednesday, our Christmas luncheon on Thursday, and of course, the last day on Friday where all the kiddies are just hyped for vacation to come. 'Tis almost as bad as the actual last day of school...almost.
Christmas programs in itself are a lot of work- so much to prepare, so much practice, and quite honestly, not enough teaching time in the classroom. When I first started teaching, there were six 3rd grade classes. That's a grip of lil' kids, I tell you! But it was also six teachers who each took a responsibility to help make it a success. This year, we have four'd think it would be easier to organize. You'd THINK. Think again!
I'd rather not get into the it is, the program is over anyways. (Praise the Lord!) But I just had to share the task that I put upon myself. Each year, we've had to borrow costumes from different grade levels and the same old costumes were in rotation. I really don't think these costumes were ever cleaned and it makes me uncomfortable to have my students wear them, know what I'm saying? SO...I took it upon myself and brought the idea up to the other teachers: why don't I sew a whole set of costumes for our grade level? WHAT WAS I THINKING? really wasn't so terrible....and it really is MY BAD for starting the damn project so late. BUT nevertheless, I was able to punch out an entire Nativity scene that included costumes for Mary, Joseph, three wisemen, and three shepherds. Count 'em...EIGHT! Hey...nevermind that I was still staying late afterschool to work with the drama kids......nevermind that I still had to plan activities for my class....and shit, nevermind that I do have a life to lead...HELLO? would've helped if ALL FOUR teachers in our grade level were around to put in some time and effort. 3 out of 4 helps....but dammit, all 4 would've been fabulous. Anyways....moving on.
Even though the Nativity scene took center stage for about 10 minutes near the end of the program, I have to say....they looked GOOD! Let me boast for a sec, but there was a moment during the show when I just stared at how awesome they looked...and I swear, I wanted to give myself a pat on the back! Now let me just say...those costumes are far from perfect. If you looked at the seams and the hems, they were crooked and coming apart. Hell....I did my best at 3am! Seriously though....sleep was something totally foreign to me for those two weeks....and again, let me just say that I'm SO GLAD I'm done.
Another Moment to Share....
Since we're on the topic of MnM being so glad to be on vacation...there was a day where I completely lost it at school. Lost it, as in, I was brought to tears!
Now I've had bad days with my fact, I've had some downright shitty days...but NEVER in all the years that I've taught have I been pushed to the limit to tears! I had to leave my classroom and let it out...OMG, it was so bad. I've never felt so disappointed, angry, frustrated, and lost with a bunch of kids before...and that really makes me sad. It doesn't help when I have one kid who equals 10 bad kids.
I can't put one finger on it, on what make me explode and what made me lose it. It could be a combination of everything- the show, lack of sleep, kids not listening- but at the same time, it could be the fact that these kids are just so spoiled. They don't get it! I mean, yes, yes, they are in school so that I could teach them how to be, but shit, it's like they cannot do anything unless it is word for word instruction. It's as if these kids are freakin' spoon-fed at home...and the worst thing is...the kids have their parents wrapped around their little fingers. So conniving! Argh! Oh yes, I forget to mention that I do have some liars in my class (...and I despise liars....), kids who forge their parents' signatures, and kids with the most rotten attitude. Yes, I'm talkin' about 3rd graders here....and it's pushing me to the limit.
Ya'll know I'd never, but some of them just need a good ass-whoopin', if you ask me!
How many more months until the end of school??? Pray for me....
Saying Goodbye....
This past Monday, my family said goodbye to Lolo Buddy. He passed away on Dec. 11th from cancer and various complications. Lolo had been in the V.A. hospital for almost three years now and each time we visited him, it seemed like he was getting worse. Last last Saturday, my mom, two aunties, and my sis came to visit my lil' place and together, we took the 5-minute drive to visit him. We didn't know that it would be the last time we'd see him alive. His body had deteriorated even more since the last time and because of all the pain he was suffering, was on a morphine drip. They tell me that he was also suffering from dementia, but I know that he did recognize us all when we were there. I did have a moment with him and again, I know that he knew who I was...and gosh, I was so very thankful to have that brief exchange with him.
We had gotten word that his health had turned for the worse and that he probably wouldn't make it to Christmas. On Dec. 11th, my mom was waiting for her younger sis to drive her to visit him. But before they headed to the hospital, they made a quick stop at McDonalds for my lil' cousin. They arrived at the V.A. Hospital twenty minutes after Lolo passed....they just missed his final moments.
The funeral was very emotional...and yet, while everyone was sad to see him go, we were all happy to see his suffering end. A few of us were able to say a few words about Lolo Buddy, myself included.
It's always hard to lose a loved one, but especially at special times of the year like Christmas. But his death brought so many family we rarely see, if but once a year. Instead of being sad over his passing, I am thankful to have had Lolo Buddy a part of my life. His memory will never fade and he will be missed....and I know that I will see him again someday.
Rest in peace, Lolo Buddy....we miss you and love you....
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Fool Again by Westlife