Saturday, March 05, 2005

Not a Happy Camper

It's not even noon and I'm in one of the worst moods ever. Can I just bitch about the first half of the tests that I had to take today? In short, the test prep books did nothing for me. I felt like I was taking the freaking SATs all over was horrible. Oh, and let's talk about bad omens for a sec. Blame the glazed over icy sidewalk and/or my inability to walk properly, but MnM has succeeded in scrubbin' once again. Hard. I wasn't even in a hurry. I was even careful to step over the chunks of ice that had formed on the sidewalk, too. Of course it was over before I even knew what happened. I didn't land on my backside like before; this time, gravity pulled me forward. As I picked myself up, the pain totally overrided any embarrassment I might've felt. My knuckles on my right hand looked like tenderized meat and my knees was pounding. At most, I skinned my right knee, but it made me feel like a little 8-year old all over again....or perhaps, it was more like that time I rode hubby's scooter and scrubbed BIG TIME, ripping two holes in my overalls, bleeding like there was no tomorrow from my knees and hands...and yes, I was 26 or 27 years old at the time...but I digress. Despite the pain and trickling blood (eww!), I managed to scuff up my boots and tear up my good jeans- dammit, not the jeans! Since I was there early, I found the restroom to clean up my knuckles 'cuz well, dangling skin is not at all attractive.

Remember how I had hoped that the test prep books might be harder than the actual thing? NOT!

I have one more test to go in a couple of hours. This one is all essay. Wish me luck...or better yet, hope that I don't scrub again on the way. Shiet.

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