Friday, March 11, 2005

March Madness

It's been said that March is the snowiest month during winter out here in Minnesota. I thought that they were kidding because about a week ago, the temps soared up to the high 50's. The sun was out, jackets were tossed aside, people sported shorts and flip flops, and well, wow, I honestly thought that spring had arrived.

To everyone's dismay, we were struck with a 40+ degree drop in weather the following day. While natives went about their business, newbies like us just scratched our head. What happened?! Come back sun! Come back blue skies! Come back warm weather!

I woke up this morning to light snow flurries. It didn't seem to be sticking, but the way it was coming down looked like it was enough to cover up them dead brown of an eyesore grass. As I was working on my computer a tad bit later, the library suddenly brightened up. I checked outside and the sun was out. Nice. About another hour or so, I check outside again and all I see is a mixture of rain and snow coming in sideways. It snowed and stopped. It rained and stopped. The sun seemed to be fighting its way from behind the clouds, but lost in the end. Make up your damn mind, Mother Nature!

I just want winter to be over already. Maybe if I say it enough times, it'll happen. "Let winter be done and let spring come. Let winter be done and let spring come. Let winter be done and let spring come. Let winter be done and let spring come........"

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