So, I had one of the best weeks ever at school. First off, I was bummed because we would have a short week of school due to a Teacher Inservice. On Tuesday, I couldn't believe how nasty the weather was for our field trip to a local PETCO store despite the many prayers we lifted up. My students ended up whining and complaining the entire day making it one of the worst field trips I've ever taken them on this year.
Before even leaving school, I was completely saddened by the fact that I had to leave a few of my kids behind. But I was proud of the fact that they truly understood the consequences of their behaviors that led to my decision to exclude them from this activity. I was even taken aback at how supportive one of my student's parents were with me and how this dad stood by me. He even decided to share with my entire class and some parents who happened to be in the vicinity about how wonderful of a teacher he thought I was!
The following day, this same father was apparently feeling gracious for my utmost attention to his child that he felt compelled to show me some appreciation. In fact, his manner of thanking me caught the attention of practically the entire second floor letting all who could hear his praises for me. But me, being too humble and embarrassed, had to have five other colleagues to put an end to all of the unnecessary accolades. Feeling a tad overwhelmed, this father continued to share his sentiments with our school principal.
Unbeknownst to me, word spread like wildfire and by the end of the day, teachers came to know about this wonderful parent and have expressed envy of having such a parent. I have to admit, in all of my teaching years, this father has been the most cooperative and most supportive; and having his son in my class has given me so much joy.
I am truly saddened that we've only got 38 more days of school left...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Last July was a major breakthru for me...something inside of me just SPARKED. This spark, along with some whisperings from God, has led me to embark on these ventures that I would never have thought possible before. I will have to say that it started off with an invitation to go hiking. Never having gone before, I was nervous and worried, but after "surviving" the few hours trekking over narrow and uneven terrain, I marveled at the sense of pride that I had for myself because being the city girl that I am, I stepped outside the boundaries of my element to do something different. Using the fear of creepy crawlies and such as my excuse, I've never really been the outdoorsy type. Just ask MnM a hiker? Ha! Yah right! Well, after that initial hike, there was just something about the simple (and not-so-simple) act of walking about God's creation. I remember there was this one point in my hike that overlooked the coast and as I scanned the hillsides and the water before me, I was overcome by God's greatness to provide such beauty. For me, when I see something so amazingly breathtaking, I always wonder, "How is it that people CANNOT see or believe in the God who made all of this?"
A few days after that hike was when I decided to train for the NIKE half marathon. A marathon? Lordy...a marathon has never been in my sights before, but again, I felt inspired. I felt compelled to do something different, do something I've never done before, and do it for myself.
After much contemplation, I realized that the reason why I felt so driven to "just do it" was because I was now on my own. Once upon a time when I was married, I depended so much on the hubby...from computer tech stuff to driving places. But since that chapter closed, I knew that I had to step it up and learn how to do things on my own. It's definitely been a learning's definitely upped my confidence and it's definitely helped me to grow in many areas and be a stronger woman because of it.
As the story goes, I did the marathon, the big D was finalized, and I moved out...all within a year's timeframe! Wowzers!
Now that I've checked those off my list, there is yet another biggie that's been hanging in the wings. It's been calling to me for some time now and to be quite honest, it's the scariest of all. I really want to give of myself and serve on a mission trip.
Last Wednesday was AMERICAN IDOL GIVES BACK night. If you were among the millions who watched, I know that you couldn't help but be touched. I'll tell you, I was in tears for most of the show! Even though I'm so far from being a celebrity, I would so love to do what they do. I want to go to Africa!
Here are a couple of video performances from the evening that stood out for me. I'm not quite sure how I'll get there (meaning to Africa or to a mission trip), but I'm sure God will speak and show me the way in His time...
Daughtry (being introduced by the ever so fine Brad Pitt)
Carrie Underwood
Shout To the Lord
Just for the record, in case you didn't know the lyrics, the song is SUPPOSED to start with, "My Jesus, My Savior..." The idols said "shepherd" instead of "Jesus," but in lots of ways, I can't complain. When I heard that they would sing this song, the first thing that popped in my head was, "Wow! A Christian song is being heard by millions of people tonight!" Much props to American Idol for that...
Last July was a major breakthru for me...something inside of me just SPARKED. This spark, along with some whisperings from God, has led me to embark on these ventures that I would never have thought possible before. I will have to say that it started off with an invitation to go hiking. Never having gone before, I was nervous and worried, but after "surviving" the few hours trekking over narrow and uneven terrain, I marveled at the sense of pride that I had for myself because being the city girl that I am, I stepped outside the boundaries of my element to do something different. Using the fear of creepy crawlies and such as my excuse, I've never really been the outdoorsy type. Just ask MnM a hiker? Ha! Yah right! Well, after that initial hike, there was just something about the simple (and not-so-simple) act of walking about God's creation. I remember there was this one point in my hike that overlooked the coast and as I scanned the hillsides and the water before me, I was overcome by God's greatness to provide such beauty. For me, when I see something so amazingly breathtaking, I always wonder, "How is it that people CANNOT see or believe in the God who made all of this?"
A few days after that hike was when I decided to train for the NIKE half marathon. A marathon? Lordy...a marathon has never been in my sights before, but again, I felt inspired. I felt compelled to do something different, do something I've never done before, and do it for myself.
After much contemplation, I realized that the reason why I felt so driven to "just do it" was because I was now on my own. Once upon a time when I was married, I depended so much on the hubby...from computer tech stuff to driving places. But since that chapter closed, I knew that I had to step it up and learn how to do things on my own. It's definitely been a learning's definitely upped my confidence and it's definitely helped me to grow in many areas and be a stronger woman because of it.
As the story goes, I did the marathon, the big D was finalized, and I moved out...all within a year's timeframe! Wowzers!
Now that I've checked those off my list, there is yet another biggie that's been hanging in the wings. It's been calling to me for some time now and to be quite honest, it's the scariest of all. I really want to give of myself and serve on a mission trip.
Last Wednesday was AMERICAN IDOL GIVES BACK night. If you were among the millions who watched, I know that you couldn't help but be touched. I'll tell you, I was in tears for most of the show! Even though I'm so far from being a celebrity, I would so love to do what they do. I want to go to Africa!
Here are a couple of video performances from the evening that stood out for me. I'm not quite sure how I'll get there (meaning to Africa or to a mission trip), but I'm sure God will speak and show me the way in His time...
Daughtry (being introduced by the ever so fine Brad Pitt)
Carrie Underwood
Shout To the Lord
Just for the record, in case you didn't know the lyrics, the song is SUPPOSED to start with, "My Jesus, My Savior..." The idols said "shepherd" instead of "Jesus," but in lots of ways, I can't complain. When I heard that they would sing this song, the first thing that popped in my head was, "Wow! A Christian song is being heard by millions of people tonight!" Much props to American Idol for that...
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Another Year Older...Another Year Wiser?
Well, ya'll have heard of the saying before, but there are many times when I KNOW for a fact that it doesn't apply to me. Sometimes us slow folk are bound to make the same old mistakes time and time again. It's a curse, really....or stupidity.
I am referring to, of all things, dating. Two years ago, I thought the idea to be preposterous. Seriously...I was in no position to put my heart out there again...just to get it broken all again? No thanks! But a year ago, I caved in. It was full of so many I-don't-knows and was scary as hell, but took the risk and took the plunge. In the year or so that I've been "out there," I've definitely accumulated quite a few stories...ha, that's putting it mildly! But the latest episode has left me feeling like "...a fool again..." Without going into detail, he was the reason why my birthday didn't end on a nice note...and the fact that I let him get to me like that to make my birthday end on a bad note made me even MORE upset! I saw that cycle happening all over again and the reality of it made me stop dead in my tracks. Why do I always have to make sure HE is taken care of? Stupidity. Seriously.
And dramatic as it sounds, I'm swearing this dating crap off for a while. Yes, yes, it shouldn't be a big deal. After all, you only tend to find someone when you're NOT looking. Hey, 'tis only natural to get the lonelies, right? And this birthday of mine, being the FIRST one where I am OFFICIALLY divorced, got me feeling all yucky-poo. I just miss having someone around...and if he won't be coming from across the pond or otherwise, I'll just have to let God do His work in His time. Sucks that I'm an impatient Aries...
Knee update: it's not as bad as I feared. It hasn't popped out again, in case you were wondering, but I do have to wrap it up and keep it all snug. It's a funky feeling that I can't quite put my finger on how to describe. I actually used a leg brace to work the other day and was quite the picture of "kawawa." It was difficult to move around and to be quite frank, it was tiring. I end up putting all of my weight on my good side, but then that compensation is felt in my lower back. Geez, I'm just all in pain, what the hell?! It really isn't as bad as it looks, but at the same time, I don't want to be hobbling all over the place. Some crazy is bound to notice and try and take me out...hell no...'tis bad enough all of this crap started on my birthday...
Thanks T-Mobile
Not that any of you have noticed because it's been so damn long, I haven't been able to blog on a regular basis for the past few months. I thought that I could really handle not having internet connection on a daily basis...WRONG! Totally fed up, I gave in to subscribing to tmobile service. This now means that I will be frequenting many a Starbucks quite often if I want to connect to the real world now. Ha. 'Tis bad enough that they're taking my money for they're taking my money for internet- shit! lol! Sucks though that there isn't a closer Starbucks in my neck of the woods, but hooray for the 24-hours ones!
Well, this has been good practice for me. I just re-read what I wrote and really, ain't nothing too important to share, but wow, I've missed writing. The good thing is because I don't have internet, I've been given all this time to run/train for the marathon and my favorite, read.
Hope all is well with everyone...thank goodness for blogs because I swear, it's the only way that I get to catch up on everyone's lives.
Curious: to facebook or not to facebook...that is the question...
Well, ya'll have heard of the saying before, but there are many times when I KNOW for a fact that it doesn't apply to me. Sometimes us slow folk are bound to make the same old mistakes time and time again. It's a curse, really....or stupidity.
I am referring to, of all things, dating. Two years ago, I thought the idea to be preposterous. Seriously...I was in no position to put my heart out there again...just to get it broken all again? No thanks! But a year ago, I caved in. It was full of so many I-don't-knows and was scary as hell, but took the risk and took the plunge. In the year or so that I've been "out there," I've definitely accumulated quite a few stories...ha, that's putting it mildly! But the latest episode has left me feeling like "...a fool again..." Without going into detail, he was the reason why my birthday didn't end on a nice note...and the fact that I let him get to me like that to make my birthday end on a bad note made me even MORE upset! I saw that cycle happening all over again and the reality of it made me stop dead in my tracks. Why do I always have to make sure HE is taken care of? Stupidity. Seriously.
And dramatic as it sounds, I'm swearing this dating crap off for a while. Yes, yes, it shouldn't be a big deal. After all, you only tend to find someone when you're NOT looking. Hey, 'tis only natural to get the lonelies, right? And this birthday of mine, being the FIRST one where I am OFFICIALLY divorced, got me feeling all yucky-poo. I just miss having someone around...and if he won't be coming from across the pond or otherwise, I'll just have to let God do His work in His time. Sucks that I'm an impatient Aries...
Knee update: it's not as bad as I feared. It hasn't popped out again, in case you were wondering, but I do have to wrap it up and keep it all snug. It's a funky feeling that I can't quite put my finger on how to describe. I actually used a leg brace to work the other day and was quite the picture of "kawawa." It was difficult to move around and to be quite frank, it was tiring. I end up putting all of my weight on my good side, but then that compensation is felt in my lower back. Geez, I'm just all in pain, what the hell?! It really isn't as bad as it looks, but at the same time, I don't want to be hobbling all over the place. Some crazy is bound to notice and try and take me out...hell no...'tis bad enough all of this crap started on my birthday...
Thanks T-Mobile
Not that any of you have noticed because it's been so damn long, I haven't been able to blog on a regular basis for the past few months. I thought that I could really handle not having internet connection on a daily basis...WRONG! Totally fed up, I gave in to subscribing to tmobile service. This now means that I will be frequenting many a Starbucks quite often if I want to connect to the real world now. Ha. 'Tis bad enough that they're taking my money for they're taking my money for internet- shit! lol! Sucks though that there isn't a closer Starbucks in my neck of the woods, but hooray for the 24-hours ones!
Well, this has been good practice for me. I just re-read what I wrote and really, ain't nothing too important to share, but wow, I've missed writing. The good thing is because I don't have internet, I've been given all this time to run/train for the marathon and my favorite, read.
Hope all is well with everyone...thank goodness for blogs because I swear, it's the only way that I get to catch up on everyone's lives.
Curious: to facebook or not to facebook...that is the question...
Thursday, April 03, 2008
A Fool's Birthday
Ah...'tis a long time since I've blogged. If you've seen my myspace, you may have seen that I am "hiding under a rock." joke. My last updates have included lots of venting and complaining about work. It's been a tough year. But I vow here and now that I will try my best to keep it to myself for the risk of sounding like a broken record. Plus, I've only got 10 (count 'em!)... TEN MORE WEEKS TO GO!
Well, first and foremost, thanks to all for all of the birthday wishes- all of the texts, voicemails, e-cards, and emails...straight from the heart, it made my day.
But I wish that I could say that it was all good...'cuz it wasn't. My day at school was, surprisingly, fun and enjoyable. My 3rd graders were good, I got lots of love, cards, and hugs from my 4th graders, and I even got an ice cream cake and pizza lunch (thanks Ethan's Mommy and Helene!).
What would've made my day almost perfect would've been my evening...instead of my original plan that included an Irish twist, it ended with me wandering Stonestone all upset, grabbing dinner at El Burrito on Taraval, and tweaking my knee. WTF?
Let's backtrack for a sec...on one of many flights back and forth from da city and Minnesota, there was an incident where the patella in my left knee popped out...POPPED OUT! There was literally a loud "POP!" before I collapsed. My knee swelled up and I was put in a leg brace for about three weeks. Nothing was broken, just more misplaced to be exact. It was painful and sore for a bit, but being in an leg isolation brace did the trick...thankfully it was on my left side and so I was able to drive. I began my downhill trek of the last hours of my birthday (which, by the way, I FELT different...the last time I felt "different" was when I turned 25...*sigh*...feeling old...), I was left to my down devices and my expresso burrito dinner. I was able to catch the last few minutes of American Idol and I settled in to enjoy "Dancing with the Stars."
I don't know about you, but I think all of the dances are pretty challenging! In my own world, I'd like to think I'd make a decent ballroom dancer...not sure how I feel about the not-there attire, but yah, I've got some rhythm to pass around- lol. Or so I thought! 'Cuz while MnM was feeling all confident about that very thing, she decided to try her hand (and feet!) at the fast paced quick step of the JIVE...(and why she is writing in 3rd person is beyond me...). So there I am in my lil' teeny tiny living room watching my lil' teeny tiny tv...I'm dressed up all cute in my not-so-comfy-but-totally-cute boots (because remember, I supposedly had plans....), and as I am goofily trying to copy the fancy footwork of the jive, I felt an owie. I didn't HEAR a pop, but I definitely felt something.
So I sit down to eat thinking that the pain is that of a normal 34-year old (EGADS!) and I notice a slight swelling in my knee. I try to walk around (because that's what I tell my students when they fall and get hurt..."walk it off, walk around and you're good!"...), but again, it doesn't feel right. Getting a wee bit nervous now, I iced it with my frozen veggies...
The swelling IS cause for concern simply because it's happened once before, but even moreso, I have been keeping up with my running. (*OH...just wanted to share that I am among the 20,000 randomly chosen to participate in NIKE's Half Marathon happening this October...whoo hoo...cheer me on!) I'll let you know what the doctor says...
What a way to end my birthday, eh? As "painful" was it was (in more ways than one as many of you know...), it's actually more embarrassing. Can you just imagine the conversation?
"Omigoodness, what happened to your knee?"
"Well, I was watching 'Dancing with the Stars', see? And I thought I could do the jive..."
Yah...really's almost like a really bad April Fool's joke...
Well, happy birthday to ME! Despite the angst and drama, I am truly thankful for yet another year. It's been a LONG journey to getting back on my feet, but I'm definitely on my way...with or without the luck of that damned lil' leprachaun...
How did I splurge for my birthday aside from cake, ice cream, and going to the beach? Well, I went to Borders and bought a whole bunch of books for my ever-growing library of course...DUH! ;-)
Go Ahead and Roll Your Eyes...
Oooooh...and one last thing I wanted to share ('cuz I really and genuinely got excited!)...
Guess who is having a REUNION tour after 20 years???
Noneother than....

That's right, NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK! lol! All I gotta say is there ain't nothing wrong with going down memory lane and reliving the 90s that were so fabulous in my mind! WERD!
Ah...'tis a long time since I've blogged. If you've seen my myspace, you may have seen that I am "hiding under a rock." joke. My last updates have included lots of venting and complaining about work. It's been a tough year. But I vow here and now that I will try my best to keep it to myself for the risk of sounding like a broken record. Plus, I've only got 10 (count 'em!)... TEN MORE WEEKS TO GO!
Well, first and foremost, thanks to all for all of the birthday wishes- all of the texts, voicemails, e-cards, and emails...straight from the heart, it made my day.
But I wish that I could say that it was all good...'cuz it wasn't. My day at school was, surprisingly, fun and enjoyable. My 3rd graders were good, I got lots of love, cards, and hugs from my 4th graders, and I even got an ice cream cake and pizza lunch (thanks Ethan's Mommy and Helene!).
What would've made my day almost perfect would've been my evening...instead of my original plan that included an Irish twist, it ended with me wandering Stonestone all upset, grabbing dinner at El Burrito on Taraval, and tweaking my knee. WTF?
Let's backtrack for a sec...on one of many flights back and forth from da city and Minnesota, there was an incident where the patella in my left knee popped out...POPPED OUT! There was literally a loud "POP!" before I collapsed. My knee swelled up and I was put in a leg brace for about three weeks. Nothing was broken, just more misplaced to be exact. It was painful and sore for a bit, but being in an leg isolation brace did the trick...thankfully it was on my left side and so I was able to drive. I began my downhill trek of the last hours of my birthday (which, by the way, I FELT different...the last time I felt "different" was when I turned 25...*sigh*...feeling old...), I was left to my down devices and my expresso burrito dinner. I was able to catch the last few minutes of American Idol and I settled in to enjoy "Dancing with the Stars."
I don't know about you, but I think all of the dances are pretty challenging! In my own world, I'd like to think I'd make a decent ballroom dancer...not sure how I feel about the not-there attire, but yah, I've got some rhythm to pass around- lol. Or so I thought! 'Cuz while MnM was feeling all confident about that very thing, she decided to try her hand (and feet!) at the fast paced quick step of the JIVE...(and why she is writing in 3rd person is beyond me...). So there I am in my lil' teeny tiny living room watching my lil' teeny tiny tv...I'm dressed up all cute in my not-so-comfy-but-totally-cute boots (because remember, I supposedly had plans....), and as I am goofily trying to copy the fancy footwork of the jive, I felt an owie. I didn't HEAR a pop, but I definitely felt something.
So I sit down to eat thinking that the pain is that of a normal 34-year old (EGADS!) and I notice a slight swelling in my knee. I try to walk around (because that's what I tell my students when they fall and get hurt..."walk it off, walk around and you're good!"...), but again, it doesn't feel right. Getting a wee bit nervous now, I iced it with my frozen veggies...
The swelling IS cause for concern simply because it's happened once before, but even moreso, I have been keeping up with my running. (*OH...just wanted to share that I am among the 20,000 randomly chosen to participate in NIKE's Half Marathon happening this October...whoo hoo...cheer me on!) I'll let you know what the doctor says...
What a way to end my birthday, eh? As "painful" was it was (in more ways than one as many of you know...), it's actually more embarrassing. Can you just imagine the conversation?
"Omigoodness, what happened to your knee?"
"Well, I was watching 'Dancing with the Stars', see? And I thought I could do the jive..."
Yah...really's almost like a really bad April Fool's joke...
Well, happy birthday to ME! Despite the angst and drama, I am truly thankful for yet another year. It's been a LONG journey to getting back on my feet, but I'm definitely on my way...with or without the luck of that damned lil' leprachaun...
How did I splurge for my birthday aside from cake, ice cream, and going to the beach? Well, I went to Borders and bought a whole bunch of books for my ever-growing library of course...DUH! ;-)
Go Ahead and Roll Your Eyes...
Oooooh...and one last thing I wanted to share ('cuz I really and genuinely got excited!)...
Guess who is having a REUNION tour after 20 years???
Noneother than....

That's right, NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK! lol! All I gotta say is there ain't nothing wrong with going down memory lane and reliving the 90s that were so fabulous in my mind! WERD!
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