Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Why am I feeling ho-hum? I should be ecstatic about tomorrow, right? It's not that I'm's not that. I think it's that freakin' psychological crap that I tend to pull on myself that's getting me somewhat down. I think it's that idiotic part of me that goes outta the way to "remember" certain days.

Is it because I'm being super-analytical? This is what I get for immersing myself into a Sex in the City marathon! Ha! Yes, a girlfriend let me borrow the entire series on dvd and I am just catching up. How's it been? Enlightening, to say the least! Lol! So this is what I've been missing out on?! Lordy! And hey, when my girls call me "Charlotte," I'm beginning to understand why...but I'm not TOTALLY like I???

Anyways, all of the drama about dating, being single, and just relationships in general has gotten into my head. Too much so, in fact. And with crap anniversaries in the wings, it's messing with my mind. I hate this shit. it only Wednesday??? One more day until the weekend...

Hell...I KNOW it will get better...'tis a phase, I'm sure...blah, blah, blah...

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