Memorial Day Highlights
Okay, so I'm a tad late...a week late, to be exact...on updating my lil' excursions during this past Memorial Day. Reason being? I've been sick. Boo. Hiss. I swear, being sick sucks big time. Of course no one in their right mind ever enjoys being under the weather, but when the weather outside is warm and sunny, it just plain sucks when you can't even enjoy it. It also sucks when you don't feel well enough to even attend a FREE Madonna concert. FREE! I swear, I could kick myself repeatedly for passing a FREE concert up, but oh well, so it goes, the body was just not up to it. Aiya...did I mention that it was a FREE concert??? That sucks. Really sucks.
Moving on...
Summer Blockbuster
The DaVinci Code
Last Saturday, my sister and I went on a movie date with dear old Dad to watch the much anticipated "The DaVinci Code." If you've read the book, remember how freakishly intense the beginning was with the murder of the Louvre curator. Now imagine the movie previews are done, the lights go dim, and the opening sequence of the movie is already that! My heart was beating fast, simply because I knew what would happen, but to see it on screen was pretty cool. Although most movies adapted from books do not usually replicate scene for scene, "The DaVinci Code" did a good job of keeping to the story. But there were quite a few instances when my sis or I would ask each other, "Hey, was that in the book?" or "Did it happen like that in the book?" or "Hey! That's NOT in the book!" and even, "Hey, that SHOULD'VE been in the book!" The first time I read the book was a little bit more than a year before the movie trailer came out. The first time took my breath away. Because I didn't know some of the differences between fact and fiction, it really got me thinking. As the movie release got closer, I reread the novel again, the illustrated version this time, and knowing which actors would play whom, it made the story more alive. But seeing it all come together on-screen, well, gee, it was definitely worth the wait. I have to say, though, that Paul Bettany, who plays the albino monk in the story, was freaky. In the book, he's just plain scary, but as the movie came to a close, you can't help but feel for his character. If any of you are Paul Bettany fans, well, here's one for you....they show his ass. I'm talking full moon. Yup. In all of its glory. Blam! Lol! As for the rest of the movie, I totally loved seeing the history of France- I know I've said this before, but I would love to go to Paris one day! The outside shots of The Louvre are breathtaking! I wouldn't mind seeing the movie again...I'd probably catch some things I missed the first time around.
A quick sidenote: after the movie, I downloaded The DaVinci Code game. It's one of those where your character is in a room and you have to match three of the same symbols in order to clear a path. Kinda like Tetris, you match the same, they disappear, and you're left to match even more. Put a time limit, some police guards, some freaky music, and a Silas character into the shuffle, and you get a very obsessed MnM trying to make her way across each room. This game has 10 Chapters and within each chapter, there are 10 Levels. After the completion of each level, you receive a Crytex letter. At the end of a chapter, those letters must be rearranged to solve a riddle that will open up the cryptex- inside there will be a piece of artwork that has to be solved as well. It's all very addicting!
BUT, here's the kicker, the downside of it, if you will. Maybe it's because I was playing it until the wee hours of the morning, maybe it was because I ignored the watery eyes of searching for three of the same, maybe it was the freaky music and the ominously scary voice of Silas saying "The secret dies here" and "My hand is swift" or "Death will be quick"...maybe it was the combination of all those that actually gave me a nightmare that I was, indeed, being chased just like in the game! Laugh all you want, people, but it was enough for me to stop playing the game! (I got to Chapter 9 chapter short of being "master." Lol!) I learned my lesson time I play, I'll put my laptop on mute!
MnM gives it two thumbs up!
X-Men 3: The Last Stand
Maybe it's a tad premature to say this, but "X-Men 3: The Last Stand" has got to be THE blockbuster of the summer! I won't even go into any details of it because I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but damn, this movie had it all! The battle scenes were pretty intense, yet as intense as they were, there were some comedic moments as well. Wolverine did his thang and Storm kicked some serious ass! She was so cool! Other mutants are introduced, too, and I just saw this article online about Psylocke being added to the mix. Maybe I just didn't notice her??? But according to this article, the girl who plays her is Pinay! Her name is Mei Melancon, not really well-known, had a mini-part in Rush Hour 2. For those of you who saw "X-Men 3," did you notice her? The article I saw was from 2005, so maybe it never panned out? me all curious...maybe I should watch it again! In any case, I'm not spoiling it by mentioning that some people die...the way they do was quite disturbing though...oh and hey, did ya'll know that it would be set in San Francisco??? I was not aware! So what if it was all green screen, it was neat to see da city on-screen! Lastly, here's the deal...if you are planning on seeing it, stick around for the credits...there's a lil' sumptin' sumptin' at the end...
MnM gives it two thumbs up, or two wings up, or two adamantium blades up, um, you get the point...
Golden Gate Park
Sunday morning should've found me at church service, but seeing that I was late that morning (and I HATE being late for church!), I ended up hanging out in Golden Gate Park instead. It was such a beautiful day last Sunday that I didn't even mind the solitude- gave me a chance to walk around, take pictures, do some writing, and just sit and think...all that, of course, after searching for parking for about twenty minutes and almost getting completely lost! It was cool. This pic is of the stage where there would be free performances in the park- although I've never been to one myself. It's actually closed down for repairs, but the architecture is always good for pictures. I love the columns! When taking pictures lately, I've noticed that I'm drawn to flowers and other stills that do NOT include people....benches, for example. There's something about them...maybe it's the weathered look that catches my eye or perhaps the view to which seated occupants are inclined to look at. Whatever it is, they intrigue me.
Golden Gate Park National Cemetary
Memorial Day. A day set apart so that we may remember those who bravely served our country and to remember those who serve it still. It's funny to think of holidays because honestly, it's just one day where we all get a day off of work. But how many really think about WHY we're getting that day off? To plan the next barbeque or picnic? This day was to honor the heroes who have given their life for their country, but why do it for just one day when we could do it everyday? I mean, we're all guilty of it, I'm just's just like Christmas. So many have lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas that we take for granted that we don't need one day out of the year to honor the birth of Christ. But that's just me...
Anyways, the only other time that I've been here was when my Lola's oldest brother passed away in 1992. That was the first military funeral that I attended and man, talk about solemn and intense. From the point where the servicemen folded the American flag from the coffin and presenting it to my lola to the 21-gun salute, it was nothing but tears from beginning to end. As you can see from the picture, this cemetary is located in San Bruno...if you look closely, the mountains in the background bear the words "South San Francisco." When you're driving on 280, you can't help but notice the flagpole and depending the day, if the flag is at half staff. It being Memorial Day, all of the graves were donned with U.S. flags and my auntie and I thought it would be fitting to visit our Lolo. But first, we had to figure out WHERE he was. Near the entrance of the cemetary, there is a "grave locator"- either a computer station or a book directory. I easily found him and we were off to find his grave. When we finally found him, there was this certain sadness that came over me...a sadness that it took me this long to ever visit and even moreso, the reality that I've never really visited any of our other relatives that have long passed away. But it was nice to see his grave and to say hello nonetheless.
Lastly, I got my first taste of Peruvian cuisine at Fresca located in West Portal. I don't consider myself a foodie like Mrs. Voodoo and Mrs. Weekender, but I am open to trying to new things. My first experience wwas pretty tasty! I didn't know what to order, but the family next to us were raving about their meals that I decided to go with what the mom ordered- pork chops with mashed yams and a side of diced apples. I can't remember the Peruvian name, but it was yum. Also, I've had sangria before, but this particular pitcher that we ordered was just right- not too strong and just sweet enough. A pitcher of sangria was $25. Overall, it was yum. Expensive, but yum.
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